League of requirements.

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League of requirements.

PostWed Dec 29, 2021 12:14 pm

So we need one more owner in this one.
The idea is that every owner will have a different requirement they need to live with.
Here are the requirements. (Note that 10 have been chosen and are no longer available. I will select mine last).

1 Must use all left handed players sebtay.
2 Can only use players with a 2 or greater injury. Ejohn1977
3 Must use players from post 1969 expansion teams (padres,nationals/expos, pilots/brewers, royals, blue jays, mariners, Rockies, marlins, rays, diamondbacks ANDY CUMMINGS
4 Must have 2 positions where no one on the roster can play
5 Can only use players from after 2000. Rcrocker
6 Must spend 70% of salary on pitchers
7 Can only use players who’s last name begin with M-S. Owenatkinson
8 Must only use players who have been elected to the hall of fame. (Can be elected as a something other than a player)
9 Must only use players with a 3 range or worse. Max_fischer
10 Cannot use any players with less than 550 plate appearances or 300 innings (starter, including 5th starter) or 100 innings (reliever)
11 Can only use players who played in Philadelphia at some point in their major league career Bkrotee
12 Can only use players who have eligibility in the outfield.
13 Must only use players who played in the Negro League
14 Must only use players and pitchers with a balance of 6 or greater
15 Cannot use any player who cost more than $6M
16 Must only use only hitters with A steals or better and pitchers with a hold of -1 or better Chris S
17 All player cards must be able to play at least 3 positions and all starting pitchers must also be able to relieve
18 Can only draft players who hit at least 10 triples and pitchers with a WHIp below 1.05
19 No starting pitcher with an endurance greater than 6 or reliever greater than 2. HAMILTON
20 Can only use players who have won Cy Young, MVP or ROY
21 Can only use players who never played in New York (Brooklyn and Newark included) or Boston.
22 Can only use players who are carded for multiple franchises
23 Can only use players who played for 4 or more MLB franchises
24 Can only use players who never appeared in a World Series game. Wonderbat

As selected I will post the owners name next to the requirement they are using
Because the Negro Leagues do not have enough RP to satisfy Strat they may also select any RP only with a salary below 2m

There will then be a second league with the same owners staring approximately a week later where the remaining 12 requirements are randomly assigned to each team.

Each requirement is unique to each owner.

Link to join

You are committing to two league and to following the requirements for your team in each of them.


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Re: League of requirements.

PostWed Dec 29, 2021 12:49 pm

o we need one more owner in this one.
The idea is that every owner will have a different requirement they need to live with.
Here are the requirements. (Note that 10 have been chosen and are no longer available. I will select mine last).

1 Must use all left handed players sebtay.
2 Can only use players with a 2 or greater injury. Ejohn1977
3 Must use players from post 1969 expansion teams (padres,nationals/expos, pilots/brewers, royals, blue jays, mariners, Rockies, marlins, rays, diamondbacks ANDY CUMMINGS
4 Must have 2 positions where no one on the roster can play
5 Can only use players from after 2000. Rcrocker
6 Must spend 70% of salary on pitchers
7 Can only use players who’s last name begin with M-S. Owenatkinson
8 Must only use players who have been elected to the hall of fame. (Can be elected as a something other than a player)
9 Must only use players with a 3 range or worse. Max_fischer
10 Cannot use any players with less than 550 plate appearances or 300 innings (starter, including 5th starter) or 100 innings (reliever)
11 Can only use players who played in Philadelphia at some point in their major league career Bkrotee
12 Can only use players who have eligibility in the outfield.
13 Must only use players who played in the Negro League
14 Must only use players and pitchers with a balance of 6 or greater
15 Cannot use any player who cost more than $6M
16 Must only use only hitters with A steals or better and pitchers with a hold of -1 or better Chris S
17 All player cards must be able to play at least 3 positions and all starting pitchers must also be able to relieve - Dinsdale
18 Can only draft players who hit at least 10 triples and pitchers with a WHIp below 1.05
19 No starting pitcher with an endurance greater than 6 or reliever greater than 2. HAMILTON
20 Can only use players who have won Cy Young, MVP or ROY
21 Can only use players who never played in New York (Brooklyn and Newark included) or Boston.
22 Can only use players who are carded for multiple franchises
23 Can only use players who played for 4 or more MLB franchises
24 Can only use players who never appeared in a World Series game. Wonderbat

As selected I will post the owners name next to the requirement they are using
Because the Negro Leagues do not have enough RP to satisfy Strat they may also select any RP only with a salary below 2m

There will then be a second league with the same owners staring approximately a week later where the remaining 12 requirements are randomly assigned to each team.

Each requirement is unique to each owner.

Link to join

You are committing to two league and to following the requirements for your team in each of them.


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Re: League of requirements.

PostWed Dec 29, 2021 11:00 pm

Are you filled? If not, what is the one remaining slot?


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Re: League of requirements.

PostThu Dec 30, 2021 12:28 am

It looks like Dinsdale took the last spot.

17 All player cards must be able to play at least 3 positions and all starting pitchers must also be able to relieve - Dinsdale


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Re: League of requirements.

PostThu Dec 30, 2021 7:51 pm

Yep. Sorry we are filled up, drafted and starting the season as the first league to ring in 2022. Opening day 1/1 has a nice ring to it.


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Re: League of requirements.

PostThu Dec 30, 2021 8:22 pm

Very interesting; please keep us posted on the results!


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Re: League of requirements.

PostFri Dec 31, 2021 8:29 am

Ok. League two has the following. I’m going to post here for the random assignments

1. Must have 2 positions where no one on the roster can play
2. Must spend 70% of salary on pitching
3. Cannot use any players with less than 550 plate appearances or 300 innings (starter, including 5th starter) or 100 innings (reliever)
4. Can only use players who have eligibility in the outfield.
5. Must only use players who played in the Negro League
6. Must only use players and pitchers with a balance of 6 or greater
7. Cannot use any player who cost more than $6M
8. Can only draft players who hit at least 10 triples and pitchers with a WHIp below 1.05
9. Can only use players who have won Cy Young, MVP or ROY
10. Can only use players who never played in New York (Brooklyn and Newark included) or Boston.
11. Can only use players who are carded for multiple franchises
12. Can only use players who played for 4 or more MLB franchises

This league will be randomly assigned requirements to the owners that are in League I
Because the Negro League requirement does not allow enough RP only this team may take any RP only with a salary below 2M

For those following along. 12 requirements were chosen for league 1. In this one the remaining 12 requirements will be assigned to the owners.
The twelve owners are going to be posted nest in order 1-12. Then we will get a 12 number randomizer and assign. So let’s say the randomizer comes up. 4, 8, 6. Whichever owner sits fourth will have requirement 1 (must leave two positions nobody can play). The eighth owner on the list will have the second requirement (70% on pitching) and so forth.


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Re: League of requirements.

PostFri Dec 31, 2021 8:32 am

The owners



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Re: League of requirements.

PostFri Dec 31, 2021 8:37 am

Also for those interested. League one is drafted and starting play 1/1. The preseason favorite appears to be max_fisher and his no defense (all players must have defense of 3 or greater).


We will see how his pitching holds up to the porousness but his offense should be terrific.


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Re: League of requirements.

PostFri Dec 31, 2021 11:24 am

So the randomizer is
There were 12 items in your list. Here they are in random order:


So the assignments as as follows for League II
1. Must have 2 positions where no one on the roster can play Rcrocker
2. Must spend 70% of salary on pitching Sebtay41
3. Cannot use any players with less than 550 plate appearances or 300 innings (starter, including 5th starter) or 100 innings (reliever) Fatgreta1066
4. Can only use players who have eligibility in the outfield. Barterer2002
5. Must only use players who played in the Negro League dinsdale
6. Must only use players and pitchers with a balance of 6 or greater andycummings65
7. Cannot use any player who cost more than $6M max_fischer
8. Can only draft players who hit at least 10 triples and pitchers with a WHIp below 1.05 bkrotee
9. Can only use players who have won Cy Young, MVP or ROY Wonderbat
10. Can only use players who never played in New York (Brooklyn and Newark included) or Boston. Hamilton17
11. Can only use players who are carded for multiple franchises ejohn1977
12. Can only use players who played for 4 or more MLB franchises owenatkinson17

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