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New League: 1927 & 39 Yankees vs the World -filled!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 3:26 pm
by Outta Leftfield
This new league pits the 1927 and 1939 Yankees against the rest of the baseball world. The 1927 & 1936 Yankee team will have sole draft rights to all players listed on the 1927 and 1939 Yankee rosters (e.g. Ruth, Gehrig, Dimag, Dickey, etc.). OTOH, this '27 & '39 Yankee team may not draft or use ANY players not on these two all-time great team rosters, and the team may use only the 1927 or 1939 cards for each player. This team will also play in 1927 Yankee Stadium (since the 1939 park is not available). All other teams may draft any players they choose who is not rostered on the '27 or '39 Yankees. These teams may also use any park. The '27 & '39 Yankee rosters may be found in the Yankee team menu for pre-WW2.
Why this league? I've always wanted to try the storied '27 or '39 Yankees against the baseball world, but both clubs have significant lineup holes that would make it hard to create a competitive team, even at a modest salary cap. Then it occurred to me that by melding the '27 & '39 teams, and leaving off some redundant players (e.g. Earle Combs), it would be possible to field a competitive club at a 115M salary cap. This 115M cap will allow the Yanks to field a solid starter at every position (e.g. Rolfe at 3B), along with a decent pitiching staff and a modest bench (ranging, in this case, from Henrich to Durst). Fortunately, there are four RP-only's between these two teams, just enough to meet SOM's roster requirements. The 115M cap will also allow the league's other managers to field competitive teams, freely exploiting their well-honed SOM skills and experience.
Let's find out if the 1927 & '39 Yankees can hold their own against the rest of the baseball world, from the 1880s to the present.

Draft type: Auto List Draft
Salary Cap: $115,000,000
Player Set: ATG 9 All Eras
Skill Level: Standard
Draft type: Auto List Draft
Salary Cap: $115,000,000
Salary Floor: none
FA Drop Penalty: 5/10/20% [?] DH Rule: no
Waivers: yes

Re: New League: 1927 & 39 Yankees vs the World -5 Spots Left

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 11:23 am
by Outta Leftfield
Five spots left!

Re: New League: 1927 & 39 Yankees vs the World -5 Spots Left

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 11:50 am
by Palmtana