Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:36 pm
sorry, I dunno if this is the correct thread for this question
this is regarding the computer version of the game.....I purchased the 2017 season several years ago and added the "all time historical rosters" database to order to have access to more player cards
what I didn't realize at the time (haven't really played it much til recently), was that SOM for some inexplicable and illogical reason, selected pretty much THE WORST season of each player to represent them in a card
other inane settings are that the entire database isn't possible to search and sort all must be done by decade...this means that any GM can NEVER compare and sort all players together, but would need to do it 10+ times at least, and then still not know how each decade compared to each other
just a LOT of things that don't make sense, is there any knowledge or feedback as to WHY SOM would provide such horrible representations of player's career ? THAT "historical" ???
sorry again if this isn't the correct forum, just flabbergasted at these deficiencies and drawbacks ;- ((((