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Homerun and Ballpark

PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:45 pm
by Storm06
In Shibe Park with RH Power at 1-17 and LH Power at 1-8. Wouldn't I want at least 1 LH Power hitter?
I am using Thome because I wanted some LH Power. But someone mentioned 1-8 HR will not even come into play.

Now Thome is not Bonds but I used Bonds in Shibe once and he cracked 72 HR's. What am I missing?

Re: Homerun and Ballpark

PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 3:38 pm
by Palmtana
I copied this to the ATG Forum.

Re: Homerun and Ballpark

PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 4:22 pm
by scorehouse
I don't understand? normally you would be facing RHP's with additional HR opportunities for LHB's? can you access the Bonds 72 to see % success of BP HR's?

Re: Homerun and Ballpark

PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 4:52 pm
by Davesodu
Just got done with Thome in County Stadium (BPHR 10 for lefties & righties). High cap so Thome platooned and wound up with 469 ABs. BPHR he was 12 of 23 so about 5% of his ABs were BPHR. Figure 50% on the road, 50% at home so he went 6 of 12 in County Stadium. If he plays full time 600 ABs that is 30 BPHR for the year, 15 at home and 15 on the road. That means he goes 6-15 at Shibe playing full time. A righty at Shibe with the same BPHR would go 12-15, or 6 more HRs than Thome.

But this is also dependent on other ball parks in the league and especially your division. If they have high lefty BPHR parks then Thome could be better on the road. If they are all higher righty BPHR then a righty similar to Thome would be better.

Re: Homerun and Ballpark

PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 7:21 pm
by Storm06
Thank you for the feedback. Interesting info.
This manager was totally against it. I understand his reasoning - RH Power 1B can take advantage of Home Ballpark more than Thome. But Thome is killing it on the road and I do not mind that.
Maybe it is why I do not win at this game. haha

Re: Homerun and Ballpark

PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:12 am
by kev
Should consider that your pitching will give ip more hr to lefties then thome would make up for even in a 8lhr park. Also your team would be prone to facing degroom, Vance etc with only one lefty and opposing bullpens will not have to work as much as one or two guys could just roll through the right handed lineup. Finally would also look at other teams and which ones you will face in your own division and perhaps in playoffs. Lefty line up’s may do okay or at least better than you want.

When you go all right (or left) you gotta have some clear hr studs over the rest of the league - but just right handed bats but elite ones.

Would consider trading thome or picking up more lefties. One lefty bats feels like your in no names land

Just something to consider- there is no magic formula but ways to increase chances

Re: Homerun and Ballpark

PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2024 2:46 pm
by nomadbrad
To put this into context this is a 100 DH league and storm also has Ted Williams in the lineup

Re: Homerun and Ballpark

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2024 11:23 am
by Storm06
I am not sure what he means - 1-8 does not even apply in the online version. HR 1-8 is HR 1-8 - how does it not apply?
This is what the manager wrote to me:

I don't think you fully understand even now how ballpark HRs work, the 1-8 doesn't even apply in the online version of Strat365.
Hopefully, one day you will understand why 97% of the time you would NOT have Thome in your ballpark at 100 million cap with expectations of winning 90+ games.