Sun Aug 18, 2019 5:04 pm
Upcoming Event #6 our last regular event in the set before the Semi-Finals. If you're close to reaching the top 57, this could be a critical event for you.
In Event #5, we were able to squeeze enough Live Draft participants to get one league filled, although more came forward later, it was not enough to get a second league going.
For the 200 Mil Event (Event #6) we do expect a few more that are interested in Live Draft. I would expect 2, maybe 3 leagues.
Our Event #5 live draft was setup with 1 hour picks and the clock off nights. This gives greater flexibility that we don't have to all be online at the same time. The proxy system that SOM has setup (calling them queues) is excellent at allowing the players to queue up the players they want and not have to babysit the draft with quite so much regularity. All Barnstormers Live Drafts will use the 1 hour clock from now on unless some unforeseen difficulties turn up. Expect that this will take about 2 days for a 1 hour live draft. Depends on if all players use the queues and the "away" buttons. You can expect that not all will.
By the time the Finals rolls around early in 2020, SOM is expected to have the ability to live draft STADIUMS during any round. The Finals will be setup with 3 hour picks, clock off nights and weekends and the ability to draft a stadium. This is what we have been asking for to replace Diamond Dope and I am overjoyed to see that they (SOM) have put in the effort to make their live draft a first class tool to bring the experience we want and are used to from D Dope.
But as in Event #5, once the event is announced and leagues are created, the earlier you commit to Live Draft, the greater are your chances of actually getting into a league that will fill. If you are late to the party and the league doesn't fill, you will have to jump back to the autodraft leagues. So, look for the league loading announcements which is expected to be Sept 6 or Sept 7. (After we get Labor Day out of the way)
I will come out with another thread on what the changes to the live draft app mean and how you can best use the app to make sure your draft goes smoothly. SOM has written good instructions, but I think it needs a little more in depth explaining on how all the check boxes work.
My thanks again go to our board member Mr Baseball World for working with SOM's representatives to get across what we wanted to make the 1-2-3 hour time limits functional. All of the check boxes, the queue's, the AWAY boxes, pick even if the clock is off, many of the options that made it into this newly released version of SOM live draft was all due to the efforts of a few people doing test live drafts. Our 140 Mil live draft went without a hitch. I think we finally have a LD app that we can appreciate. - Thanks Rick