2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

the official tournament of the All-Time Greats VI player set

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The Last Druid

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostTue Feb 05, 2019 8:32 pm

Chrissie, I get that you are bored and probably loaded as a result. Bear with it, all will be revealed in time!

The Last Druid

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostTue Feb 05, 2019 8:39 pm

We need to keep the tournament running MM. Otherwise Cristano could continue to duck me forever.


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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostTue Feb 05, 2019 9:31 pm

don’t forget i’m the defending champ who just ran a plus 200 run diff in last year’s finals. doesn’t get more dominant than that. ps what an ******* for drafting pineiro

The Last Druid

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostTue Feb 05, 2019 9:40 pm

I generally go for uniqueness and value in the early rounds. These two fit the bill as well as concealing where I am headed. I do feel terrible though that you don't approve of my taking Pineiro. I don't know if I can live with that stigma. Oh well, I guess I'll have to just muddle through the pain of such rejection. Let's see if Duren lasts until round 10. Somehow I think not.

Oh, and BTW. You got very lucky with the over producing Meusel and Moore last time. Lightning rarely strikes twice.


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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostWed Feb 06, 2019 8:32 am

Pineiro 1st round gets upstaged by Heredia 2nd round. Only possible way this can be upstaged is Rueter or Farmer 3rd round.

The Last Druid

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostWed Feb 06, 2019 10:35 am

Going for a five man rotation huh? Kind of early to tip your hand. No wonder you were so upset with Pineiro. I don't think Heredia was a bad pick at all. A supremely useful small cog. I predict Duren goes in the third round. Problem for you is the top small ball stars have already found homes. I thought you might take Wagner, but you messed that up too. I almost took him myself but the Sutter - Pineiro combination was just too juicy to forego. Now your problem is there just aren't many non* starters that are superb values and those that are are in the lower end of the pay scale. Henry and Duren won't likely make it out of round 4-5. So your pitching staff is not going to be a source of great value. Oh I know you copied me and took Pedro as your first pick. That at least was a good move, but at some point you need to learn to think for yourself. Good luck with that!

The Last Druid

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostWed Feb 06, 2019 10:42 am

Have you considered petitioning Garcia to rename yourself "Luckyman?" I believe that moniker is available and certainly fits the bill...


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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostWed Feb 06, 2019 11:54 am

cristano1 wrote:Pineiro 1st round gets upstaged by Heredia 2nd round. Only possible way this can be upstaged is Rueter or Farmer 3rd round.

I'm considering taking Tamargo in the third round. Not having him seemed to pysche you out in the Round 6 qualifying event. ;)

The Last Druid

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostWed Feb 06, 2019 11:58 am

Damn son, you just can't catch a break. Down goes Duren, down goes Duren, 1st pick round 3! There goes your five man rotation. Better grab Henry while he is available. Might be best if you just start over and use one of the *Pedro cards and then use Hecker as a starter and spot reliever the way Lab did last year. If you are going small, better hope that djmacb doesn't grab Carew, although you can still snag Morgan. Right now I'd say your draft strategy is in the crapper. Oh well, you always said you could win by drafting all nickel players. Might be time to test that assertion! Maybe you should take Meusel with your next pick. 155 rbi's like he had last year, nothing to sneeze at.

The Last Druid

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostWed Feb 06, 2019 12:01 pm

And after he admittedly spent hours on drafting his round 6 team. :lol:

Carew might hurt him the most though.

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