2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

the official tournament of the All-Time Greats VI player set

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The Last Druid

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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostThu Feb 08, 2018 3:25 pm

Chrissie, Chrissie, Chrissie. Only started my due diligence for the finals last Friday. As far as copying Marc...never happened. We have only competed in a few leagues, and I believe that I more than held my own, despite him being an awesome manager. The first time I recall playing Marc was his proof of concept league which I believe was in the fall of 2016. There I used a similar approach to pitching as I did this tour and which I have been doing for several years with low cap small ball teams. Just ask Hack Wilson or egvrich. ;) I assume you are referring to an approach Marc developed with the 200x teams, but I have never even looked at any teams from those card sets.

I do steal any ideas that I come across that impress me and have no problem with making appropriate attributions. That's how I learned about Jake Wood, for example. And although Marc is a superb opponent, I came up with my own formulation, thank you very much. In fact, the only person I copied any of those pitcher usage notions from was rburgh and that was restricted to two pitchers from standard non BS leagues 3-5 years ago.

mighty moose

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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostThu Feb 08, 2018 3:33 pm

I repeat. No concessions will be made if the card isn't there. Draft with who is on the Dope site. I don't want to add any unnecessary complications to drafting. If you have someone in mind that you might want, PM Rosie2167 and ask him if that player is added. - DONE.

FOOTNOTE: I just got an e-mail from Rosie. He stated that all new cards will be added by Sunday night, AND he appreciates everyone's patience while he works hard to get this done. BUT, the first paragraph will STILL apply if the card you want isn't there.

mighty moose

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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostThu Feb 08, 2018 7:06 pm

The Last Druid wrote:
Also, should the tour continue beyond this year, the SOM live draft works a million times better than the convoluted, interminable and laborious DD drafts with all their attendant work-arounds. All one would have to do is set a finals draft date a year in advance and only move it with the consent of all players. With that much advance notice, anyone can take two hours off, one would think.

The board and I don't endorse SOM's live draft until they fix it to have 3 hours between picks. This is why Adrian is keeping up the Live Draft site and it even says in there that it will eventually go away once SOM has theirs tuned up the way we want.

Yeah that could be forever. AGAIN, stop trying to rewrite our rules especially when we have done them a specific way for many years. If you want to come back to the tour, don't bitch about - we should do it THIS way and I like it better THAT way. D-Dope with flaws and extensive proxy capabilities is way better than 1 minute per pick.


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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostFri Feb 09, 2018 8:28 am

Petro Petro Petro. I feel like you're calling me a jabroni / idiot. You've copied luckyman's rotation basically word for word. "I have only had a handful of leagues with luckyman". Who cares? I am guessing all you did was look at last year's barnstormers, click on luckyman, see how he did his rotations. And copy copy copy copy copy.

Look at your teams from this year (2017 barnstormers) versus all of your other teams. You've done nothing but copy luckyman's rotation (both starters and relievers) word for word. Trust me, it seems like a very smart thing to do, as luckyman has had great success with those rotations. But, just admit what you've done. That's all I am saying. If you simply say "yes I have copied luckyman" you'll feel so much better than trying to hide it!!! Stop feeling so ashamed over it. No reason to be.


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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostFri Feb 09, 2018 11:57 am

I read the DD cheat sheet. It mentioned something about using the proxies. I played around with them and I understand how they work. It kinda mentioned that it is "bad form" to not have them on at all times. Did I read that right? I plan to use them because I know I have to announce a couple of bball games next week so I wont always be at my computer. BUT if i'm sitting at my computer "watching the draft" I don't think I'm going to want them on. Is that what you guys do?


mighty moose

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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostFri Feb 09, 2018 1:31 pm

The clock goes off "nights and weekends". We do not know the time. This is built into the live draft site. I understand why Adrian built in the clock going off "nights and weekends" so that someone cant pounce on an opportunity to skip someone at 3 am.

I never implied that proxies should never be on. I'd encourage everyone to use proxies 24/7. I said I hope we don't SKIP people if the clock runs out on a player in earlier rounds. And for this to happen, SOMEONE has to make a manual pick. That being said, everyone knows the importance of this draft, so they should make it a top priority not to neglect it. Meaning to NEVER let their clock run out and to make that less likely to happen, to never let your proxy list run dry.

Again, the USE of proxies can make this a much faster and more enjoyable draft for all. If you're one of those that won't use them, be sure you check in often. If someone seizes the opportunity to play the skip, it's all part of the draft.

Using the GROUP and PRIORITY features is something even SOM's app doesn't have and enhances the experience when used correctly. Understand HOW IT WORKS by reading the instructions in the DD Help thread.


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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostFri Feb 09, 2018 1:51 pm

Chase: Regarding the use of proxies, a very good veteran player once said that "The use of proxies is a sure way to a last place finish."

I don't think that there's a single manager in the Finals who will use proxies for EVERY pick or even most picks. There's simply no substitute for making a live pick. With up to 3 hours between picks, most of us will have time to check the draft from time to time and make a pick based on important factors such as need, player availability and the flow of the draft.

Let me give you a simple example. Your team needs a SS, so you put one at the top of your proxy list. Let's say most other teams already have drafted a SS. After you add the SS to your list, before your pick arises, a couple of other teams add a SS, and now 11 teams have a SS. Since the 11 other teams have a SS, there's no urgency to now get a SS. You can address another position of need and select a SS later. However, with your proxies set, you'll get a SS, despite the lack of urgency to get one, and possibly miss out on a chance to fill another position of need with a player you like.

Here's another simple example: You proxy a number of players, and put your choice at 1B third on your list. After you set your proxies, there's a run on first basemen, but your pick is still available. Two managers picking behind you also need a first baseman. That gives them 4 shots at picking a first baseman after your pick. Your proxy pick is the player at the top of your list. You miss out on your choice at 1B.

I could give countless other examples, but the point is that using proxies deprives one of the opportunity to adjust on the fly.

For other examples, and as a good primer on the various considerations and scenarios of a live draft, I highly recommend that you read the topic, "Anatomy of a Live Draft", which was for an uncapped draft, at the link below:


Although I'm no expert, the best advice I can give you is to have a plan going into the draft, to remain flexible, be "hands on" and to do whatever makes you comfortable. It's your team and it's your draft. Despite there being up to three hours between picks, the draft will eventually conclude whether or not a single proxy is ever used. Don't sacrifice your ability to make picks in real time for the sake of expediency, as such could possibly lower your team's chances of success.

That being said, the trend in live drafts seems to be that the use of proxies increases in the later rounds of the draft.

I hope this helps. Good luck in the draft. - Bernie

mighty moose

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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostFri Feb 09, 2018 2:02 pm

Bernie's comments highlight why I'm not that great of a live drafter, myself. I just want it to go fast, my strategic instincts are non existent.

So you can see that there are many approaches to the Live Draft. But at least you know how the SITE works.

Thanks Bernie for the excellent strategy hints ! We like a level playing field ! ;)


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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostFri Feb 09, 2018 5:38 pm

This is actually perfect timing for me b/c my wife will be out of town from Monday - Friday. I expect some child aggro and I do have to work, but I'll have my computer on at all times. I can always have my smartest student teach class, or give a pop quiz. I also have to announce some basketball games but I can do that with one eye on the computer screen.

As far as prepared, I started this process about 3/4 ers through my last league. My team went on a 27-9 run and I liked my chances against all the good teams, I did however limp to the finish line. Ive been running my own hypothetical's for a couple of weeks. Hopefully I won't panic when the lights come on.

Thanks Bernie and Moose, I'm sure I'll have more questions


mighty moose

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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostFri Feb 09, 2018 6:33 pm

In case it isn't clear, any stadium may be used in the Finals irrespective of the "groupings" we used in the regular events, so long as it is LIVE DRAFTED on DDope.

That being said - 160+ players all signed up, just to hope to one day find themselves in the position you are in right now. Enjoy it immensely !

Rocky Balboa: You calling Apollo Creed a clown ? This man took his best shot at becoming Champ, what shot did you ever take ?

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