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Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 6:38 pm
by sociophil
Wow. Rosie maintains a website as a generous gift to everyone and you call him negligent for missing a card? Moose already said to draft a different value card if you want a player that wasn't entered into DD. Rosie also said he might not get to them all. If that is the only one available then take your chances in the waivers. You'll have first pick there so the card would be yours anyways. I don't know you from bupkis but I'm going to offer you a little advice: assuming the worst in people is generally viewed as unkind. Perhaps you should try a little kindness for a week and see how that works for you.

Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 6:40 pm
by The Last Druid
I didn't realize he didn't enter the TB cards, I just glanced at his post, was stunned and thrilled that cards were entered (after he failed to deliver on his Sunday entry date for the new cards) and immediately went to DD confirm that the three high priced relievers were there and that was that. And I only posted the initial post about Wheeler and Ryan to let the community know my intentions because I didn't want to hold up the draft and couldn't get DD to work. My bad there. When I made that post I had no idea that Wheeler wasn't entered into DD yet. However, since it was my error for not reading Rosie's entire post I have to bear the responsibility for my action. It also explains why no one drafted Wheeler yet in a league with six small ball teams. I'll make another pick.

Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 6:49 pm
by The Last Druid
I just tried to draft Atley Donald but see I was skipped. How nice. Now I am out. Bye

Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 6:51 pm
by cristano1
"I will not be disadvantaged because of Rosie's negligence."
translation: I want to have (another) tantrum because I forgot how to read. Sorry Rosie, and thanks for all you do.

Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 6:52 pm
by cristano1
moose, petro said he quit. how do we go about replacing him?

Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 6:54 pm
by mighty moose
Man, what a fricken crybaby. Did you see the link that says UNSKIP PICK # xxx ? Guess not. Go back in and make your pick now.

Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 7:04 pm
by cristano1
Moose you better get the Barn Board on the phone. Looks like Petro quit for good. My vote is someone takes Petro's team over, makes any moves he wants to, and then we resume the draft. We would need to know which of Petro's players are going to be released pre waivers, so that everyone has an equitable chance of pre ranking them and getting them. But that is the real question. Who gets a ticket punched to the finals?

The way Petro is means if we don't say anything he will disappear. But as soon as you replace him, he will reappear and throw the mother of all tantrums. I am in no rush, but there is a good chance he disappears. I speak from experience, last time he called me out and I humiliated him head to head, he disappeared for a couple years.

Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 7:04 pm
by Rosie2167
Rosie2167 wrote:All new cards except for the TB Rays team add Are now in the DD live draft.

Druid I think you just need a hug.

As you can see my post above clearly states that the TB Rays were NOT added to DD. Last I checked Wheeler was a part of that add. Once I jumped into DD I discovered none of the last 125 cards added had found their way into DD. I don't know if you've ever added a card before but it takes time, so I prioritized the other 100 to get done before the BS Finals draft.

With apologies to Moose I'm also going to take this moment to address another Druid post...

andycummings65 wrote:
Will a little bell go off when we finally have enough 5m RPs?

Once again from Andy's mouth to God's ear. I don't blame Andy for his post or trying to influence the card selection process. His interests are legitimate, as are everyone else's. My issue is with Rosie taking that feedback and then making arbitrary decisions that are counter to what the community wants. People who play higher caps, and there are more of them than play in Andy's historical leagues, want more high priced relievers, which is why we keep voting for them.

I think this whole process would be a whole lot fairer if there were some Proposed Direction Polls for each add before the actual voting for individual adds takes place. Rosie's whole analysis determining that we will add 4 SS's etc for the current add is fine as a preliminary identification of proposed directions. But the actual final decisions on who will be voted for have become Rosie's decisions, and that is not okay with me.

All the nominations are added to the master spreadsheet if they aren't on it already. I then sift through them populating the polls under the current parameters. Yes sometimes I weed a few out that either don't represent an upgrade or fall behind other cards with higher priorities (no card in set, new franchise...), far from arbitrary. I also tried (unsuccessfully) to generate ongoing discussions forums for each franchise and ERA so we could dip into those vetted lists to quickly populate a poll. You yourself signed up to be an ambassador for 4 franchises and all the ERA's, and yes you contributed some nominations through those, but unfortunately not many folks (yourself included) have kept that process afloat without prompting.

I'm now going to try a different path that will hopefully create that ongoing pulse that should make this process smoother by starting card debates by position, which now seems a more natural way of generating continued interest (something that might've been obvious to some of you already).

There is no doubt there are many holes to fill in ATG and we are getting adds at a higher rate than before, but I'm just a shepherd of this process Druid, not God, and your comment above was truly ridiculous. I don't get paid, I do however enjoy seeing the ATG set grow with fun, relevant and historically impactful cards.

I hope you can find peace man

Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 7:09 pm
by mighty moose
I don't get paid either and that's with hundreds of hours that I put into this of my own time, and having to deal with all of the frustrations that SOM throws at us. This is your one last opportunity to resume your picks, as the skip has been removed. If you continue to be AWOL, then your replacement will be pondered and/or the board will assist on that process.

Re: 2017 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 7:13 pm
by The Last Druid
I can't resume my picks because I can't get into Diamond Dope, which has been a consistent problem all afternoon for me. Which is why I posted about Wheeler and Ryan in the first place. And now you threaten me. Screw this shit.

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