2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

the official tournament of the All-Time Greats VI player set

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostTue Jan 01, 2019 4:18 pm

Happy New Year all!

I have a question - what happens in case of a tie vote on the cap amount? Appears it is a real possibility.

Nice discussion here fellas, keep it up. Sorry I don't have too much to add to the fray, my experience in this realm is far thinner than any of yours. This will be my first live draft of any kind in the SOM online arena (although I did participate in some TBA tournaments back in the day - anyone remember those?)

This draft cannot come soon enough - the anticipation is agonizing.


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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostTue Jan 01, 2019 6:00 pm

Dougess wrote:Happy New Year all!

I have a question - what happens in case of a tie vote on the cap amount? Appears it is a real possibility.

Nice discussion here fellas, keep it up. Sorry I don't have too much to add to the fray, my experience in this realm is far thinner than any of yours. This will be my first live draft of any kind in the SOM online arena (although I did participate in some TBA tournaments back in the day - anyone remember those?)

This draft cannot come soon enough - the anticipation is agonizing.

I remember the TBA. Played quite a few in California. Many of the same guys are still doing it, but it's called Star Tour these days

The Last Druid

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostWed Jan 02, 2019 9:32 am

Yeah, I also played in the TBA, but only on the East Coast, starting from the year David Valle was the automatic first pick.

I'll never forget the series I played against John Kruez, before he got outed for using weighted dice. Asshole kept hitting and running at every opportunity and could roll the hit on the five at will, always with a 4-1 combination on the dice.
Still beat him 2 out of three but quit the TBA after that experience. Also not a fan of the dice towers, they interfered with my mental visualization of positive dice rolls for me and negative ones for my opponent.

That was actually why I started playing here. Face to face strat often felt like a battle of wills trying to mentally influence the dice rolls. Here I can just play without that element which is much more relaxing.


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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostWed Jan 02, 2019 10:32 pm

Calm down, Buddy Ebsen. That'll only make your brain hurt. ;)

I thought Cruz was booted for dipping into the prize pool money for his personal use. At least, that's what I heard.

The Last Druid

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostSun Jan 13, 2019 10:15 pm

So there is a mock draft, initiated by Moose, currently starting up on the ATG boards. Evidently Lab was unable to find the latest Yaz card, which raises the question how many of the cards that were added over the past year are actually available to draft on Diamond Dope. If they are not all there, then hopefully the BS Board will find a way ensure the cards are entered before the finals draft begins in less than a month. Last year Rosie appears to have been the guy entering most of the additions -minus Wheeler and his cohorts - but he has made himself scarce indeed for pretty much the past six months, so assuming he will do that this year is not a good bet. Since the Board insists on us drafting using Diamond Dope, hopefully they make sure that we can do the draft with ALL the available ATG cards this year.


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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostMon Jan 14, 2019 8:53 pm

I've been able to log in to diamonddope but it can take several minutes or longer to load the draft. Sometimes I'm not sure if the site locked up or if it's just slow.

I was setting proxies and saw that the Yaz '64 choice was not an available option (the other Yaz cards were there).
Yaz '64 is on Diamonddope's card reader so it is just missing from the draft choices.
I didn't notice any other cards missing but it would take days to check the availability of every player.

The Last Druid

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostMon Jan 14, 2019 9:40 pm

Problems arise when a newly added player only has one card. Yaz is an easy workaround but guys like Tori Hunter, Trot Nixon, Sanchez and Rowan - they need to be there. The BS board should look into it and make sure Diamond Dope is up to date, but if last year is any indication, that is probably just wishful thinking.

Mr Baseball World

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostTue Jan 15, 2019 3:57 pm

I have looked for one card from each of the last five adds. The card I checked for from adds 18.1, 18.2, 18.3 and 18.4 were not there. I assume none of the cards from those adds are in. Diamonddope is painfully slow right now. I believe Moose was going to contact Adrien regarding these things but will check with him.

mighty moose

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostTue Jan 15, 2019 4:02 pm

Adrian has been engaged (sent an email to the two different e-mail addresses I have) to see if the site can be looked at for the speed issues. No response as of yet. Those doing the mock draft can please lookup missing players and we will attempt due diligence to get them added while we still have time to do so. I believe the site does provide automated ways to add players, but I have not attempted to do this myself.

If anyone has a better way to contact Adrian than I do (a phone #, maybe a more professional e-mail than hotmail, gmail) please PM me with it.

Until SOM gets the extended clock in place, we have no alternative to the Diamond Dope draft (unless you prefer autodraft ?!) which we have used successfully for the past 10 years or so. I'm disappointed that the lack of one or two specific cards in a player pool this large would be considered unacceptable, but the bottom line is - whatever is on the DD site are the players we will use. If you need to draft a different YEAR for a player, this is a viable alternative to having the year you WANT as you can replace him with a different year when finalizing your team after waivers.


The Last Druid

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostTue Jan 15, 2019 8:19 pm

There is still plenty of time to get this right. Multiple solutions exist so that the 100 or so 2018 additions (extrapolating from Mr. BBW's sample) are not left out of the draft. One or two missing cards is one thing but 100? Different story. I'll propose two potential workarounds.

Hack Wilson probably has Adrian's email. I believe Mr. Gabriel is also on Facebook, we used to be friends there before he annoyed me regarding political issues and I unfriended him.

Since we will eventually have twelve participants, we could each enter 8-9 cards once how to do so is made clear. Or, since it will be three weeks before the participants are fully known, the nine known finalists could team up with the BS board and each enter the 8-9 cards per person in that fashion. Entering three cards a week should not pose any major hardship to anyone.

Should all else fail we could select 100 (perhaps minus the players already carded on DD) players who never get drafted and make a list indexing each of them to a player card not yet added. For example Bud Weiser could be Matt Kemp. It is not particularly elegant but that way all could be included in the draft and one could still draft Bud Weiser in the ten rounds of players not drafted on DD.

If no acceptable solution to this issue is forthcoming then all these great new additions of the last year end up getting autodrafted which would seem to negate the purpose of a DD type draft in the first place. I doubt any of the participants would be happy about that.
Last edited by The Last Druid on Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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