2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

the official tournament of the All-Time Greats VI player set

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostThu Jan 31, 2019 1:57 pm

Yeah, I have a 2 year-old and a 10-month old. Just given that, I'm not confident I could commit to real-time live draft. I can diamond dope and I am also happy to draft on the thread. -matt


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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostThu Jan 31, 2019 2:18 pm

It will also be difficult for me to have a free 3-4 hour block of time for the SOM live draft. I am comfortable with either Diamond Dope or using the boards.

mighty moose

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostThu Jan 31, 2019 2:49 pm

Adrian and I are communicating and he told me he is slowly trying to add the cards to the draft. If there is anybody you think you might want to be there for sure, you can e-mail me the list to my private e-mail and I will see that they get added. I am also talking to him about the speed and that's less likely to improve given the OS and the limitations of the ACCESS DB (I'd love to take it over and port it over to SQL but I'm a hardware I.T. guy, not a dba) - This would not be possible without paying for the conversion.

At this point, with all the attention being paid to Diamond Dope, I think we will still have to keep it there. It's slow but I consider it workable.


mighty moose

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostFri Feb 01, 2019 7:34 pm

Those of you in the mock, please log in to the Dope Draft and see if you think it's faster now. I can make a pick or proxy and it takes 30 seconds from clicking to get my screen back. This is compared to the MINUTES that it was before.

I think it's faster anyway.



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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostSat Feb 02, 2019 5:53 am

I tried logging in to DD. I got as far as the mock league. When I click on the league, i get a 'blank page' and eventually a message saying I timed out.

mighty moose

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostSat Feb 02, 2019 1:37 pm

I'll report that to Adrian. I got in but after I clicked on the league it took about 3 minutes, but it did eventually go through. Try different browsers. I'm using older IE 11


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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostSat Feb 02, 2019 5:18 pm

Using access as the database. That's the issue. And perhaps the hosting site. It seems like when people have proxies set its really fast but it takes a long time to set proxies. In the mock draft, I set up a bunch basic proxies that were random enough where it should have finished up the rough draft. In a real draft, I probably would have redone most of my proxies. With the site issues and my time limitations that would be really frustrating to deal with.
I would prefer to use the boards to draft.

mighty moose

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostSun Feb 03, 2019 3:58 am

estern wins the last spot in the finals. As far as the live draft goes, we will take SOM draft off the table as several have expressed doubt that they can meet any kind of schedule. Therefore, we will take a poll of all of the finalists CHOICE of drafting on DDOPE or the ILC Forum. If you vote on the Diamond Dope draft, we can still open up an ILC chat for the league itself for informational purposes or to keep a parallel draft to copy over the dope picks once they are posted.

Also, to keep each other informed of potential delays (being away, etc) or any other matters that your fellow players or the Commish should be aware of.

The Last Druid

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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostSun Feb 03, 2019 10:10 am

I prefer using Diamond Dope for the draft, much as I hate it, but only because I no longer have access to SOM at work. The state put in a new network security system about a year ago which blocks access to SOM at work but for some reason allows me to access diamond dope. I could drive home every day at lunch to check the ILC but that still leaves a gap each weekday between 1 and 5 pm each afternoon when I'm not able to make picks. Were it not for the 3 hour clock there would still be no issue at all and in that case I would much prefer ILC drafts because all of the cards are accessible. If we do draft on ILC, then a possible solution to my dilemma would be for Moose to email me at work whenever I am up to pick during EST business hours and I could then easily e-mail him back within three hours (more like 15 minutes) to make my two picks. I despise the notion of being skipped, especially as I am not one who holds up drafts (I understand the rationale for using a 3 hour clock as many players over the years don't bother to make timely picks) and that was a big part of why I chose to draft 12th and 13th, in addition to the psychological effects that choice might have on Cristano!


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Re: 2018 BS Finals "Discussion" Thread

PostSun Feb 03, 2019 10:26 am

I prefer a board draft (we have done it for the last 7 mystery card finals without any major issues), but will do either. While I have no vacations/trips planned the next few weeks, I do play duplicate bridge several days a week where the rules state that all cells phones must be turned off during play (3-4 hours). Otherwise, I'll be on top of the draft either way -- one small advantage of retiring at 45.

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