Semi-Finals 2013 are all set

the official tournament of the All-Time Greats VI player set

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mighty moose

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Semi-Finals 2013 are all set

PostSat Nov 02, 2013 1:19 am

With Mesquiton losing his last 2 playoffs games, sadly he sets the stage for the Semi-Final round.

A random request will be made for 36 players and they will be sorted into 3 leagues for the semi-finals.

If any of the below players declines to participate in the Semi-Finals or simply is a no-show, then the next in line will be the player finishing 46th place - jeliii

Once I have the leagues set with the randomizing, e-mails will go out to the semi-finalists with a DEADLINE to join their league. If the deadline passes, jeliii will be invited to take the spot.

1. labratory 497
3. rjohaire 495
4. cb3137 494
5. dukie98 494
6. ShakeyBoomer 490
7. Zimharry 489
8. Muadib1950 488
9. Lindonman 488
10. herpad1959 481
11. nwelter 477
12. spicki17 476
13. Treyomo 476
14. gkhd11a 475
15. thaibill 474
16. boyer14 473
17. Chompsky 468
18. Corky 468
19. Mr Regulator 466
20. ksher58 466
21. Rube 463
22. wrz25 463
23. nels52 462
24. hveed 459
25. motherscratcher 459
26. dinsdale 456
27. frog17 456
28. Mr Baseball World 455
29. mwelter 454
30. chuckwonup 453
31. PotKettleBlack 453
32. Hank Henry 453
33. chunga1 450
34. DonFESQ 450
35. andycummings65 450
36. marsta58 450

mighty moose

  • Posts: 2686
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Re: Semi-Finals 2013 are all set

PostSat Nov 02, 2013 1:42 am

The above list matched up against the random run provided by Frank Bailey in the ATG thread here.


1 frog17 2
2 labratory 36
3 Treyomo 28
4 ShakeyBoomer 31
5 dinsdale 27
6 DonFESQ 4
7 chunga1 10
8 gkhd11a 22
9 nels52 25
10 Zimharry 11
11 herpad1959 30
12 ksher58 33
13 marsta58 3
14 Corky 8
15 motherscratcher 32
16 mwelter 21
17 chuckwonup 32
18 wrz25 14
19 Mr Regulator 19
20 Rube 12
21 boyer14 20
22 Muadib1950 18
23 Mr Baseball World 9
24 PotKettleBlack 26
25 Lindonman 15
26 hveed 5
27 dukie98 1
28 rjohaire 23
29 Hank Henry 16
30 nwelter 17
31 cb3137 24
32 Chompsky 29
33 spicki17 7
34 thaibill 6
35 andycummings65 35

mighty moose

  • Posts: 2686
  • Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:22 pm

Re: Semi-Finals 2013 are all set

PostSat Nov 02, 2013 1:51 am

Resulting in the three semi final leagues.

The leagues will use the further league option of randomizing the players within the leagues once filled.

Semifinal League #1 - 100 Mil - DH

frog17 1
labratory 2
Treyomo 3
ShakeyBoomer 4
dinsdale 5
chunga1 7
gkhd11a 8
nels52 9
Zimharry 10
herpad1959 11
ksher58 12

Semifinal League #2 - 100 Mil - DH

marsta58 13
Corky 14
motherscratcher 15
mwelter 16
chuckwonup 17
wrz25 18
Mr Regulator 19
Rube 20
boyer14 21
Muadib1950 22
Mr Baseball World 23
PotKettleBlack 24

Semifinal League #3 - 100 Mil - DH

Lindonman 25
hveed 26
dukie98 27
rjohaire 28
Hank Henry 29
nwelter 30
cb3137 31
Chompsky 32
spicki17 33
thaibill 34
andycummings65 35

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