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POLL - 200 Mil CAP - Like it or Lose it ?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:18 pm
by mighty moose
This year, Barnstormers kicked off their first 200 Million CAP Event. There is no denying that some of you have very strong feelings about the event. So the future of the event will largely depend on you. I threw a third voting option out there that was suggested by a board member as an alternative.

Please vote objectively and not just based on how you did in the event personally.

You must be LOGGED IN to be able to see the voting buttons and vote in this poll. One vote per person.

We also welcome your comments about your experience with this event if you care to respond in this thread.



Re: POLL - 200 Mil CAP - Like it or Lose it ?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 4:07 pm
by tplatypi
Wow, I am amazed people generally like the $200M cap. I really hated it. And not because I did poorly in it, but because it removes so much from the draft. Everybody is going for the same (most expensive) players so it comes down much more to luck than any other format.

Other than that, I love the Barnstormers tour. But I would love to see a $60 cap next year.

Re: POLL - 200 Mil CAP - Like it or Lose it ?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 5:29 pm
by djmacb
Well, the trick is to not go for the most expensive players, but for the players you have a chance of getting. The draft is critically important at $200M and $140M, so there is a lot of strategy involved like there used to be at $80M before they expanded the player pool to 7,000,000 players give or take a couple.

Re: POLL - 200 Mil CAP - Like it or Lose it ?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 5:52 pm
by dukie98
I'm also not a fan of $200M. Lower caps and/or shuffle leagues require more flexibility and knowledge of the player pool, smallball and pitching-oriented teams can excel, and it's easier to recover from an unlucky autodraft. I was a big fan of the 24-team shuffle league from the 2013 tour, and I would like to see that option return.

Re: POLL - 200 Mil CAP - Like it or Lose it ?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 6:30 pm
by pacoboy
Love the $200 mil cap but unfortunately not the way it's currently set.

I'm voting no.

This needs to be LIVE DRAFTED.

Re: POLL - 200 Mil CAP - Like it or Lose it ?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:08 pm
by mighty moose
I agree that when SOM is able to modify live draft to give us hours per pick instead of minutes, that live draft will find a home in the Barnstormers. Unfortunately, we wait and wait and wait. That's a recurring theme with SOM.

Thanks for the comments. - MORE..........

Re: POLL - 200 Mil CAP - Like it or Lose it ?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:08 am
by kunkel40
Not much on $200 mil cap. The $60 mil would be a nice extra choice. I know there is a lot of players that like the $200 mil cap, and we can choice to skip an event. So it really doesn't matter to me.

Re: POLL - 200 Mil CAP - Like it or Lose it ?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:18 am
by chuckwonup
200 mil sucks. So did my team.

Re: POLL - 200 Mil CAP - Like it or Lose it ?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:50 pm
by Outta Leftfield
I enjoyed the 200M format, but in many ways its a whole different game. A lot of it is building a strong team out of 8 & 9M players, mega-platoons, etc.

Anyway a 60M / 200M choice sounds like a reasonable compromise, though I voted a straight yes....

Re: POLL - 200 Mil CAP - Like it or Lose it ?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:36 pm
by vcalifari
Loved it! Way more trades, more flexibility when cutting/picking up players, more interaction with other owners, and the draft is more crucial than other formats. 80 million is stale and 60 million is for deadball players. The bigger the cap, the better the players.
