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2024 Event #6 preview and dates

PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 9:01 pm
by mighty moose
The final regular event, the freewheeling 200 Mil DH, will have a first pitch of Sept 16th. All leagues must fill and launch before then as it is necessary for all Event #6 playoffs to end at the same time. This helps to determine the tie breakers for the Semi-Finals. Leagues will be created and invites will go out about Sept 5 or 6.

Yeah Labor Day will be over and done.

And I still haven't gotten over the mess that was the 140 Mil Live Drafts. 2 Penalties for Stadium Violations assessed and a NO SHOW which (IMHO) led to a very challenging team to recover from. We simply can't have live drafts without live participants, and NOT the kind that put it on autopilot and hope for the best.

Therefore, at least for THIS 200 Mil Event, I won't have them. If you loved them, consider that others messed it up for all.

Whether they will return for 2025 (or even if I will) is not certain. If you aren't playing Event #6, let me know to make scheduling easier. The "Groupings Used to Date" thread is updated through Event #5. If you have played in all of the events so far, you should only have two stadium groupings left you can use, so look it over.

Final Reminder, the 1982 and the 2012 stadiums are not categorized and are OFF LIMITS to use.

Enjoy the rest of your summer and labor day and start planning your 200 Mil Event.


Re: 2024 Event #6 preview and dates

PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 9:44 pm
by mighty moose
Just FYI, 2024 - event 1 started with 162 players. Right at this moment, 10 drops will make Event #6 start out with 152.

As a comparison, the 2023 tour had (167/156) 2022 - (189/169) 2021 - (207/177) 2020 - (248/203)

Clearly COVID boosted the SOM world. So glad THAT'S mostly over with. Not only for the tour, but in general. I think I got poked with at least 5 shots and purchased so many masks. :x


Re: 2024 Event #6 preview and dates

PostPosted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:53 pm
by Gilbo
You're a good man Mighty Moose and funny too! You crack me up! Keep up the good work and Thank you!
Gilbo ;-)

Re: 2024 Event #6 preview and dates

PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2024 3:35 am
by DonSutton
I won't be playing event 6.

In fact, without live drafts, I think we should seriously consider doing away with the $200 event and replacing it with a different cap event.

Re: 2024 Event #6 preview and dates

PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2024 11:06 pm
by MaxPower
Nah, $200 autodraft is fun chaos, I'd hate to see it go.

Re: 2024 Event #6 preview and dates

PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:49 pm
by mighty moose
That COULD be tossed to the new board to decide when we are in the time when 2025 rules and events are being looked at. 200 Mil was voted into the tournament at a time when I was against it. There are groups of players who are extremely skilled at 200 Mil, while I consider it a total crapshoot.

We also need to put the 1982 and 2012 stadiums into the groupings.

Opinions here are always welcomed.

Re: 2024 Event #6 preview and dates

PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:54 pm
by mighty moose
And just for irony's sake, earlier in this thread I mentioned about Covid being over. But ALAS just over 2 weeks ago, I started feeling a little like having a cold. I took a covid test and was tested positive. Rushed over and got my paxlovid (which I absolutely HATE to take) and now that the isolation is over, I have two negative tests. I'm in an at risk status class (diabetic) so it's important to get on that paxlovid.


Re: 2024 Event #6 preview and dates

PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2024 3:05 am
by MaxPower
Glad you're on the mend moose! Paxlovid did wonders for me when I got it.

Re: 2024 Event #6 preview and dates

PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:11 pm
by mighty moose
MaxPower wrote:Glad you're on the mend moose! Paxlovid did wonders for me when I got it.

5 days of that GOD AWFUL taste in my mouth..... :cry:

Re: 2024 Event #6 preview and dates

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 6:40 pm
by mighty moose
Leagues have been created. 13 leagues @ 200 Mil DH - an extra league will be added if necessary. INVITES will go out Friday morning. Autodraft ONLY. No live drafts as previously mentioned. This may be reconsidered for the 2025 tour after discussion with the new board. 3 drops after Event #5, the total number of Event #6 players is now 149.

If you're not playing this event, let me know.

Be very careful of stadium choice. If you have played in all of the events, you will only have 2 groupings of stadiums left you can use. The thread of "2024 ballpark grouping used through event 5" is current. Check it.
