- Posts: 6011
- Joined: Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:23 pm
- Location: Near Clemson, SC
I play keeper leagues but J-Pav posted a team in the ATG forum that intrigued me so I entered a similar team in this league to see if his build would translate to 20XX.
- Pitcher park
- Cheap SP's with lotsa walks (a board quote from yesteryear rings in my ears: "You can get away with walks in a pitcher park".
- Big pen.
- 1's on defense. I have a couple of 2's.
- High OBP. ATG has a cast of thousands to choose from. I did the best I could in that respect.
Thanks for the inspiration Jeff.
2 teams are still needed to fill League 6. Unless this league goes public, I will have SOM transfer a credit, from me, to teams 11 and 12 if either or both finish with more wins than I do. That's hardly likely. Then again, it cold be more than likely. You wont' know unless you enter though. Next year it could be you waiting for the last league to fill. Support your tour!