2022 Season

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

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Re: 2022 Season

PostMon May 09, 2022 10:48 pm

Hey Mr Baseball World,

Thank you for your honesty about the struggle to be commissioner of the Players Championship again this year. I always appreciated your statement about being a volunteer. Obviously you have done lots of good work in facilitating this tournament for several years and serving the rest of us who play.

We do appreciate all your effort to make this Tournament possible! It is not your responsibility to keep this going, but we (I at least) appreciate what you have already done.

Thank you again! :D


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Re: 2022 Season

PostWed May 11, 2022 5:44 pm

A message to all:

I also want to say thank you to Mr. Baseball World for all of his hard work on the previous Championship seasons. I don't know all the details that go in to running these, but it sure seems like a ton of work and even more stress.

Sadly, it seems that it has taken a toll on MBW and he is trying to tell us all to please have someone step up to the plate and take over being the commissioner. I know that I cannot do it but I feel there should be some who would be great at it. I don't think it would be fair to those who sign up for 2022 or even MBW to keep the status quo. Is there anyone out there who might be able to do it?

This is such a great tournament and it would be a shame for it to disappear. I hope someone can help MBW.

Thank you

Mr Baseball World

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Re: 2022 Season

PostThu May 12, 2022 1:00 am

Thank you for the kind words even though they are undeserved. I have posted a tentative set of rules. I have listened to comments from last year and tightened up some rules. Biggest changes are that the penalty for duplicating a stadium will apply to your final point total rather than to that particular league, live drafts will have a clock from the start and leagues will start three days after filling.

Strat has reached out to me so they may take over or alter the rules. Otherwise I am in it for this season and feeling a bit better about going forward. I have shifted the start of the first leagues to next Monday.

Mr Baseball World

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Re: 2022 Season

PostFri May 13, 2022 1:53 pm

I have edited the tentative rules to reflect that the initial leagues will push back to being opened on Sunday May 22. This will allow strat to advertise for a week upon the Daily Game tournament deadline having past. That still could chane if strat wants more time but am hoping we will be a go by then.

I will be sending pm's to all who have signed up with the definitive start time for leagues once I know it for sure. Also will be sending pm's to past participants at that time as well. Feel free to post messages in you current leagues regarding the signup being started.

Sorry for the delay

Dodgerfan Always

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Re: 2022 Season

PostSun May 22, 2022 3:58 pm

I’m new to this thing……are we still staring today? If so how do we know how to join the league? I have a team ready but don’t see any Players Championship leagues. Or was I too late and I missed it?


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Re: 2022 Season

PostSun May 22, 2022 11:15 pm

You're fine Dodgerfan. Signups have been extended due to the late signup start date. Follow the threads and you will know when it gets going. About a week or so.

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