Giving kihoover till early tomorrow or we'll have to remove team. All Owners, it's highly important to mark your team ready for draft, if not when loading at least that day.
Let me apologize for the disappearance of Mr. Baseball World. He has been going through some major issues in his life and needs to take some time off SOM. He hasn't made a post in over a month - hasn't adjusted his lineups or looked in on his teams for about that long, and has resigned from the Barnstormers board.
I hope we see him back into the groove soon.
Just wanted to let everyone know that I have cleared up that mystery. - Thanks
We may also have a straggler, DWG, who is forgetting to mark their team ready for draft. Can anyone contact him and let him know to do so? He's been in that status for awhile now. Still some time till the league fills, but I may need to remove him once it does so we can get going.