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Event 1 closing tonight, midnight EST-Get/Keep Your teams in

PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:09 pm
by gbrookes
In a little over 2 hours from right now, at midnight EST, Event 1 will close.

The players who are in League 12 at that time WILL be considered entered ON TIME. Anyone who has not entered event 1 yet should get their teams in before midnight EST.

I will check and record the entries in League 12 at that point.

If we fill League 12 before midnight, I will set up another league, 13. Same concept applies - simply get your team entered in the league before midnight EST.

After midnight, I will begin calling for fillers to get the remaining open spots in the league filled quickly. The remaining entries will not be official entries, but will be entered just to get the league going for competition. Only official entries before midnight EST please!


Re: Event 1 closing tonight, midnight EST-Get/Keep Your team

PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 1:53 am
by gbrookes
Last official entries from event 1 are:
