Event One leagues are ready to be joined now. Enter either a 60M, 80M or 100M league.....just one of them. We will see as we go regarding opening of new leagues depending on popularity of leagues but my suggestion is to jump in soon to guarantee your choice.If any cap has very few entrants it may end up that people have to switch to another cap at some point. If you haven't signed up for the tour you can join a league and I can add you to the signup list.
There is a 60 million, 80 million and 100 million league. All are dh leagues.
Passwords are as follows:
60M League 60Million 80M League 80Million 100M League 100Million
No space between the numbers/word and M is capitalized. When these fill new ones will be formed. Passwords will be the same. Reminder that you can use each stadium only once in the tour including semifinals and finals.
Last edited by Mr Baseball World on Mon May 28, 2018 11:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Confused...let's say I build a 60MM team and then I check the leagues forming and the 60MM league is filled. Do I then have to go back and redo my team for 80MM. Or wait to see if another 60MM league is formed. If it's not, is it even possible to change to a 60Mm team once you build a team with a 60MM cap? Might it be easier to have signups in the forum and then fill the league?
After you create a 60 million team, you can change it to any other cap. If you are on the page that shows your roster, below the team name it will show the set being used and the cap. Next to each it says change. Click on the word change and it will take you to a page where you can change the cap.
Little confused and need some help. I filled out rosters for all 3 leagues 60M/80M/100M but SOM wouldn't allow me to join a Private League. What could I be doing wrong? The player set I used is 2018 Baseball Daily...I assuming this is correct? Phila01
Phila01 wrote:Little confused and need some help. I filled out rosters for all 3 leagues 60M/80M/100M but SOM wouldn't allow me to join a Private League. What could I be doing wrong? The player set I used is 2018 Baseball Daily...I assuming this is correct? Phila01
The player set is 2017 and you should only join one of the leagues unless a filler is needed later on.