
Our Mystery Card games - Superstar Sixties, The '70s Game, Back to the '80s, Back to the '90s, Dynamite 2000s

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PostTue Nov 19, 2013 5:41 pm

What exactly are the going for an extra base rules?

Got a bunch of triples off of players who should not have many triples and trying to see if it can help me figure out what players I have.

For example. Eddie Murray got a triple of a LH with no one on base.
In 1980 he gets a TR on a roll of 1-1 after a roll of 10.
In 1982 he has a much better chance of getting a triple since all he needs is a 1-1 after a roll of 6!
In 1983 no trips against LH
In 1984 he has a whopping chance of a triple by rolling 1-3 after a roll of 9.
In 89 he gets a tr on a 1-1 after 8. whoopee.

Of course, Eddie hits ALOT of doubles. Many are labneled RF, but many are left blank. CF was Lemon with a 0 arm, LF had a +2 arm and RF had a -3 arm. I guess if one of these doubles was to LF there is a decent chance he goes for it? Not sure about the rules,. and not sure if he hits doubles to left. What are the DO rolls that dont list a position?

Also, the pitchers have a bunch of Triples on their cards so I know I really cant tell anything for certain (or even to a 50% chance) but still wondering.

Long story sort, I am guessing I really cant make any guesses based on doubles but not sure. IS there a much better chance that is is 1984 than any other year? OR does the chance he went for a TR on a DO roll overshadow any analysis?


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Re: Triples

PostTue Nov 19, 2013 7:56 pm

I think triples are one of the poorest indicators in general. In the 200x game I remember having a catcher with something like 4 or 5 triples when he actually had 0 or 1 triple. In specific cases it can be helpful. For example, I think Hebner has one year where he has a natural triple role vs lhp's, which I have found to be a good indicator for that year, but as a general indicator I do not put much stock into it.


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Re: Triples

PostThu Nov 21, 2013 5:30 pm

I agree that triples is not one of the better indicators, although it can be helpful in combination with other numbers. I recall I once had Frank Howard hitting six triples even though he had zero on all his years. I figured it must have been because I replaced the third base coach with a hot dog cart.

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