Sun May 03, 2015 4:15 pm
I never liked having team names followed by a number or roman numeral. However, not doing so would lead to confusion if you like to reuse the same name, especially in a recurring theme league. So, I list the season's number as part of the name when I create a team. Then, after the first games have been played, I delete the number. Thus, my teams only have a number during drafting and the preseason. Old teams can be easily differentiated by the league name.
I also change the 3-letter abbreviation when changing the team name. For example my District 12 Mockingjays gets changed from DIS to D12. You can only change your team name and/or abbreviation once, so do so carefully. The option to change your team name is found under Your Team near the bottom of the menu. Once you complete this option, it disappears. If you ever accidentally screw up your team name, your only recourse would be to contact customer support.