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The Jerry Turner Invitational: New 70s league

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 1:03 am
by The Conndor
Poor Jerry Turner. He's almost never used in 70s leagues: he plays the OF like Lonnie Smith but with less speed, he's a poor to mediocre pinch hit/DH option, and he is not an attractive man to boot

I wanted to give a shot to a 24 team 70s league, so here we are. The "rule" is simple: I draft Jerry Turner, and I keep him on my roster for the entire season. That's it. Everyone else is free to draft whoever they want. 80K, waivers and frenzy as normal, DH, advanced setting. Randomized divisions. All are welcome, although I would not suggest this being anyone's first attempt at a 70s team. Fun, fair play, smack talk, and a little camraderie are all mandatory. Password is: Turner.

Re: The Jerry Turner Invitational: New 70s league

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:06 pm
by The Conndor
C'mon now, I know you 70s fans are out there. It never seems to take long to fill a 70s 12 team league, so once we get going it shouldn't take long to fill this 24 team league either. There are enough players in the set to make this very interesting. Let's get the ball rolling. Sign up, and suggest that a friend or 2 join you. Added bonus: it's been well over a year since I have won a championship, and I only have 2 total in my SOM career.

Password: Turner

Re: The Jerry Turner Invitational: New 70s league

PostPosted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:45 pm
by jayhawk81
somewhat interested, but fear of commitment is stopping me at this point of signing. Being #2 of 24 feels like a long time to wait!!!!!

Re: The Jerry Turner Invitational: New 70s league

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:56 pm
by The Conndor
Jayhawk, i am going to scrap the idea for now, and put my team in another league. Next time, I will try to line up some people before I create the league. Thanks for the interest.

Re: The Jerry Turner Invitational: New 70s league

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:25 pm
by BrotherA4him
I was about to get in as well.
Be sure to let me know when you try to start it up again.
Never tried a 24-team league, I think that would be interesting.

Re: The Jerry Turner Invitational: New 70s league

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:43 pm
by sganser
Hi Conndor,

Looking forward to you restarting this league. Got my draft picks ready.


Re: The Jerry Turner Invitational: New 70s league

PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:10 pm
by jayhawk81
NO activity out here. Last post for the entire 70/80/90s thread was Thursday............