Is there any way to cheat at this game?

Our Mystery Card games - Superstar Sixties, The '70s Game, Back to the '80s, Back to the '90s, Dynamite 2000s

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Is there any way to cheat at this game?

PostSat Mar 12, 2016 3:56 pm

I hesitate to post this because I find it hard to believe that anyone would (or could) cheat at this game but............. I also have emailed SOM support and I hope there is a logical explanation for this.

A player in our current '60's league, which has a $80 million cap, now has a team value of more than $86 million. I took a minute to add up his transactions (there weren't too many - he got lucky on both his hitters and pitchers) and his team value SHOULD be $74.67 million LESS any waiver penalties (I didn't try to figure that out). I emailed the entire league 8 hours ago about this and have had one "Wow?" response - NOT from the player in question.

Has anyone seen or experienced this before? I am not a hardcore SOM player but have been at it for several years and have never seen or heard of this before.



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Re: Is there any way to cheat at this game?

PostSun Mar 13, 2016 9:19 am

We just had a manager in our 80's tournament league who had 4 million LESS than he was supposed to have for cap. He e-mailed SOM support and got it fixed.

There may be a cap glitch going on at SOM...


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Re: Is there any way to cheat at this game?

PostMon Mar 14, 2016 7:13 pm

There seem to be some glitches in the salary cap . Strat is generally very good in fixing this when contacted . I'm not aware of anyone knowing how to induce these glitches. I'm sure they're working on the glitches, although I'll bet they're working hard on the release of the new "daily" game as well.

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