Dumb question-what is the deadline for Friday auto-draft?

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Dumb question-what is the deadline for Friday auto-draft?

PostFri Oct 05, 2012 4:12 pm

Dumb question by me - what is the deadline for the auto-draft?

I think it is 10PM ET, but I'm not 100% sure, and I can't find it in the online info.

I want to know because I am waiting to be the last entry into PC 2012 Event 1 League 9 (Players' championship). I would enter a team as a "filler" so that we could complete the league before the auto-draft deadline today, so that the league can have its opening day this coming Monday.

But I want to wait as long as I reasonably can, to allow another person to join the Players' Championship today (and join the league 9) if they want to, today.

Please fire the answer at me if you know it - thanks!


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Re: Dumb question-what is the deadline for Friday auto-draft

PostFri Oct 05, 2012 5:12 pm

It turns out that the league filled anyway, but I would still be interested in knowing the answer to this question.

Thanks in advance if someone can answer it for me!



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Re: Dumb question-what is the deadline for Friday auto-draft

PostFri Oct 05, 2012 8:00 pm

Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the draft deadline is now 1:00am EDT. 10pm is still the deadline for roster/lineup changes, has never been the draft deadline, as far as I know. The draft deadline used to be midnight (ET), but I think it's now 1am here on the new site.

I know I've entered a team after midnight, thinking that would keep the league from drafting until 9am Saturday, and I'd have a week to tweak my hastily drafted team. Instead, the draft fired off five minutes later...so, unless things have changed again since then, I believe the deadline is 1am, and I seem to recall reading that in one of the SOM updates as well.


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Re: Dumb question-what is the deadline for Friday auto-draft

PostFri Oct 05, 2012 9:47 pm



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Maybe Not...Twilight Zone?

PostSat Oct 06, 2012 7:36 pm

Since posting above, I came across a post by Barnstormers commish (mighty moose) dated August 11, which states that the draft deadline is "now" 11 pm ET. Not sure if the league I was in that drafted after midnight was before or after Aug. 11.

So, I checked the posted SOM game rules. They say the deadline is midnight. I don't know if those posted rules are current, but I'm guessing not.

In short, now I don't know. Sorry to add to the kung-fusion.

Twilight Zone: The bizarre thing is I came across mm's post when I clicked the latest post on the Barnstormers forum. Instead of the latest post coming up, mm's August 11 post about the "new" draft deadline came up instead, as if the message board were somehow programed to read my mind and come up with the most relevant old post it could find, all on its own, without me even asking for it. I don't think Bernie's quite that smart, but an interesting forum bug, to say the least. :D


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Re: Maybe Not...Twilight Zone?

PostSun Oct 07, 2012 7:35 pm

mesquiton wrote:Since posting above, I came across a post by Barnstormers commish (mighty moose) dated August 11, which states that the draft deadline is "now" 11 pm ET. Not sure if the league I was in that drafted after midnight was before or after Aug. 11.

So, I checked the posted SOM game rules. They say the deadline is midnight. I don't know if those posted rules are current, but I'm guessing not.

In short, now I don't know. Sorry to add to the kung-fusion.

Twilight Zone: The bizarre thing is I came across mm's post when I clicked the latest post on the Barnstormers forum. Instead of the latest post coming up, mm's August 11 post about the "new" draft deadline came up instead, as if the message board were somehow programed to read my mind and come up with the most relevant old post it could find, all on its own, without me even asking for it. I don't think Bernie's quite that smart, but an interesting forum bug, to say the least. :D

WOW! Weird! Thanks again Mesquiton. 11 ET it is. Handy information to have - thanks!

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