Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:18 pm
I think the question of $200 mill fairness is not black and white. Its not a complete
loss for all the time, but maybe 1-4 teams come out of any given autodraft are at severe
and even unsurmountable disadvantages even before waivers and trades. And for someone
with DonFESQ's expectations, this is pretty much a worthless format. But if you can live
with 20% of your teams being total write offs, its "tolerable." Without the LIVE drafts,
its a weak substitute for playing the "biggest-star" version of the ATG, but it keeps
us playing.
Another drawback of the $200 mill format is you find yourself picking defensively with
your highest priority pick (I have discussed this with other managers, so I know I am not
the only one doing this). Too keep from having a truely awful draft, you get really conservative
with pick #1. This limits the variety of strategies you can employ in drafting and kind of makes
the draft more repeatitive and more boring after fewer teams.
IMHO, If the autodraft could be tweaked to guarentee a better highest pick (i.e., better compensation
if you miss on your first pick), it would make the leagues more competitive and interesting.
Having alternative 1st picks, or having 1st pick compesnation that is position independent,
or just moving all your picks up when you miss one (i.e., when you miss a pick, it drops to 25
and your #2 pick becomes your #1 pick, #3 becomes #2, etc.). Aside from the details, I do
think its fair to say that the autodraft system is least fair when at the $200 mill level.
In defense of Badjam, I always found him to be a tough competitor. I like to see at
least half my teams face as tough of competition as I can find, and divisions with
Badjam are tough. Now if you can only find one manager, DonFESQ or Petro/Druid
would be tougher. But Badjam has different managerial strategies and IMHO
a division with Badjam and either Petro or Don is much tougher than a division with
Petro and Don as you are likely to have a more diverse set of strategies and it will
be more difficult to matchup against. It just an opinion, so I would hope you don't
over react to that.