What do you think?

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Free Radicals

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What do you think?

PostWed Oct 24, 2012 8:45 pm

Will these guys be competitive? I'm really horrible at this game and never know what to expect...well that's not entirely true, I lose a lot. So whatcha think of this team?



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Re: What do you think?

PostThu Oct 25, 2012 12:06 am

all around? looks pretty decent. i think you have a solid core, but you can spread some of the money around better in the rotation.

1. you don't really need that expensive of a platoon. you could easily drop or trade jackson or wright and be able to pick up a cheaper replacement for the one facing fewer LHSP or RHSP. OR you could decide to go with wright all the time and use the jackson money for your pitching.

personally i would use wright all the time. he hits both ways better then jackson. unless you were facing at least 75% RHSP then i would use jackson and drop wright.

2. then i would look to upgrade my SPing. your offense is good, but it's not that good. I would look to either commit 100% to the 5 man SPer or stick with 4 *SPer. because you could possibly get adams, jones, hall, and 2 others or you could get 3 better *SP and use hubbell as your #4 starter. I would use the left overs to get the best relievers left.

best of luck.


Free Radicals

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Re: What do you think?

PostThu Oct 25, 2012 12:28 am

Ya, its about 75% RHSP. My plan here was to get the guys with the highest BA, some good speed , decent D and hit up a storm. My OF includes my DH. Now for the most part the league is a bomber type league with a few pitchers sprinkled in. I know my pitching is a problem also. But there aren't that many real top notch SP left. I'm going to use Deacon in the pen to help shore it up. I was after in the draft Duffy, Joe Kelly, Honus ,Satchel, and Mathewson. I think these guys will hit. I'm not concerned with HR's. I am concerned with BA and OBP. SB, Doubles and Triples. I've actually been thinking Wright may not fit well with what I'm trying to do, the choices , and in an 140 league choices get slim quickly.

My division is Busch '67, Hilldale ( NegL) and County '78. There's a Huntington '11, A Polo '41, Wrigley '78, Ebbetts '41, a neutral , a 2 pitchers . So to me, getting SP with BP HR's on them isn't a good option, imo.

I've had real bad luck with staffs. Seems like no matter who you get they get shelled. I am only playing in 140 league though also.


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Re: What do you think?

PostThu Oct 25, 2012 12:48 am

I like your team as it is. You should do fine.


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Re: What do you think?

PostThu Oct 25, 2012 4:41 am

I would drop Phillippe and Wright and use the money elsewhere. If you want to platoon Jackson there are probably cheaper and better fits. Starting pitching could use an upgrade, especially your number 4 starter.


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Re: What do you think?

PostThu Oct 25, 2012 6:17 am

I generally like this squad.

Not sure who is available, but assuming no better pitching can be had, I'd upgrade to the pricier Phillipe. (and dump Jojo for the cash).

If a better more expensive reliever is on the wire, consider swapping out Caldwell (is he really going to see much action - Maybe 3 starts vs the trick or treaters...) and picking up one or 2. Even better, go get a Babe Adams if he is out there and use him as a starter or reliever.

this team should play :ugeek:


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Re: What do you think?

PostFri Oct 26, 2012 1:11 pm

There are lots of RF that hit LHP. Several Clemente cards, Dale Murphy, Erid Davis, Buhner, Ichiro, Furillo, Cowens are all at least reasonable and all are considerably cheaper. Joe Birmingham is a real low $ guy with a great small ball card against lefties, and Furillo and Barfield have second cards that mash lefties too.

I'd be uncomfortable with such a low-value pen in a $140m environment, especially with the low-end rotation you have. I'd much rather have two studs and two duds than the rotation you have, but that might not be an option (and it's your squad anyway).

But overall, this doesn't look too bad to me.


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Re: What do you think?

PostMon Oct 29, 2012 5:09 pm

Overall, I like this team a lot but if you are trying to create a small ball team which it looks like you are doing, you need great defense. This might mean having to let go of Medwick.

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