World Series Rivals... Strat Partners

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Re: World Series Rivals... Strat Partners

PostMon Nov 19, 2012 8:45 pm

Revised pairings with additional suggested revisions:

1. NY Giants DB + Philly A's DB
2. Pirates DB + Tigers DB
3. Phil A's PRE + Cardinals PRE
4. Tigers PRE + Cubs PRE
5. Giants POST + Indians POST
6. Red Sox DB + Phillies DB
7. Pirates POST + Yankees POST
8. Athletics EXP + SF Giants EXP
9. Atl Braves EXP + Indians EXP
10. Boston Red Sox EXP + Cardinals EXP
11. Yankees EXP + Phillies EXP
12. Tigers POST + Cardinals POST? (suggested by dukie98 to be withdrawn, as it is actually an EXP pairing and the Cardinals EXP is paired with Red Sox EXP)
13. Dodgers POST + Orioles POST
14. Giants PRE + Senators PRE
15. CLE DB + BKN DB? (This pairing was suggested by dukie98)
16. Reds EXP + Orioles EXP? (Reds suggested by FRANKMANSUETO, and this is the only remaining pairing for the Reds, since Yankee EXP, Red Sox EXP and A's EXP are all paired with other teams.)

Personally, I'm in favor of more pairings rather than fewer, so as to give those picking near the bottom more options from which to choose.

It's Harry's call.


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Re: World Series Rivals... Strat Partners

PostTue Nov 20, 2012 3:33 am

well you could do CIN-EXP/BOS-EXP and then do DET-EXP/STL-EXP.



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Re: World Series Rivals... Strat Partners

PostTue Nov 20, 2012 6:31 am

I like that - then you could team the EXP Orioles with the EXP Mets?

1969 baby! Woodstock. Moon landing. Richard Nixon. Shoe polish on the ball!!!


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Re: World Series Rivals... Strat Partners - Revised Pairings

PostTue Nov 20, 2012 6:52 am

Yes, there are a lot of possibilities. I tried to limit the list of pairings to those that had already been approved and those suggested without making a new proposal for eliminating any pairings.

Personally, I think we should all be free to devise our own pairing as long as there is no team conflict with any other pairing, but this is Harry's creation and I'm sure he was trying to create some balance with his pairings.

Revised pairings with the latest additional suggested revisions:

1. NY Giants DB + Philly A's DB
2. Pirates DB + Tigers DB
3. Phil A's PRE + Cardinals PRE
4. Tigers PRE + Cubs PRE
5. Giants POST + Indians POST
6. Red Sox DB + Phillies DB
7. Pirates POST + Yankees POST
8. Athletics EXP + SF Giants EXP
9. Atl Braves EXP + Indians EXP
10. Boston Red Sox EXP + Cardinals EXP
11. Yankees EXP + Phillies EXP
12. Tigers POST + Cardinals POST? (suggested by dukie98 to be withdrawn, as it is actually an EXP pairing and the Cardinals EXP is paired with Red Sox EXP)
13. Dodgers POST + Orioles POST
14. Giants PRE + Senators PRE
15. CLE DB + BKN DB? (This pairing was suggested by dukie98)
16. Reds EXP + Orioles EXP? (Reds suggested by FRANKMANSUETO, and this is the only remaining pairing for the Reds, since Yankee EXP, Red Sox EXP and A's EXP are all paired with other teams.)
17. Reds EXP + Red Sox EXP? (suggested by sdajr76. This paring would require elimination of the Red Sox EXP + Cardinals EXP [no. 10 above], but would allow the Tigers EXP + Cardinals EXP [no. 12 above])
18. Mets EXP + Orioles EXP? (Suggested by katzenjammer. This pairing would require elimination of the proposed Reds EXP + Orioles EXP [no.16 above])

What do you think, Harry?


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Re: World Series Rivals... Strat Partners

PostTue Nov 20, 2012 10:27 am

Thanks very much gentlemen, for your assistance and initiative yesterday in flushing out the teams and the draft order for the league! It confirms my impression that we have a banner group of owners here! This should be great fun for all of us. Thanks much for your interest in this theme!

I approve of the random generation and draft order and I like the idea of keeping all 18 team suggestions so as to maximize the options available for choice. I do want to limit our options to these 18 so that we can begin to draft now and that each owner will know all options available.


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Re: World Series Rivals... Strat Partners

PostTue Nov 20, 2012 10:42 am

OK, Bernie, start us off ! Please list your chosen squad next to your draft position and then remove that team from the master list.

Good luck and happy drafting to one and all!

Revised pairings with the latest additional suggested revisions:

1. NY Giants DB + Philly A's DB
2. Pirates DB + Tigers DB
3. Phil A's PRE + Cardinals PRE
4. Tigers PRE + Cubs PRE
5. Giants POST + Indians POST
6. Red Sox DB + Phillies DB
7. Pirates POST + Yankees POST
8. Athletics EXP + SF Giants EXP
9. Atl Braves EXP + Indians EXP
10. Tigers EXP + Cardinals EXP
11. Yankees EXP + Phillies EXP
12. Dodgers POST + Orioles POST
13. Giants PRE + Senators PRE
15. Reds EXP + Red Sox EXP
16. Mets EXP + Orioles EXP

ob Status:

Set #1:

9, 7, 1, 5, 8, 3, 12, 6, 11, 2, 10, 4

Draft order, based on randomizer:

9. BDWard
7. katzenjammer
1. mrharryc
5. bontomn
8. dukie98
3. tomwistar
12. sdajr76
6. fraank123
11. visick
2. Misterg
10. FrankMansueto
4. andycummings65


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Re: World Series Rivals... Strat Partners

PostTue Nov 20, 2012 10:48 am

I'll make my pairing selection sometime today, likely in the evening, after I have a chance to review the teams.


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Re: World Series Rivals... Strat Partners

PostTue Nov 20, 2012 5:14 pm

personally i think we should just be able to pick our own from all the matchups ever in world series history.



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Re: World Series Rivals... Strat Partners

PostTue Nov 20, 2012 6:48 pm

Harry's league, Harry's rules. I'm fine with the 16 combos-- if it was a free-for-all, it would give too much of a benefit to the teams picking early, because there are some potential combinations that would be absolutely loaded-- plus, there would be the risk of multiple teams claiming the same franchise. This approach has more balance, and allows for a good amount of strategy. I like it the way it is, and look forward to drafting.


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Re: World Series Rivals... Strat Partners

PostTue Nov 20, 2012 8:23 pm

Another question so I'm sure on the parameters here. I already asked the question about e.g., the Pre-Cards not being able to use Post-Cards Musial - that's a no-no. So, your team from a designated era can not raid and use a player from maybe the same franchise, but different era, like Musial. I'm assuming this example is not allowed either. DB Boston using the same era DB Yankee Babe Ruth, instead of their pitcher Ruth. Or EXP Boston using EXP Montreal's Pedro instead of the Boston Pedro. Is that correct? You have to use the player's card from your era, your franchise.........period. Right?

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