2012 PC communication thread - Q&A, misc

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

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Re: 2012 PC communication thread - Q&A, misc

PostThu Nov 08, 2012 3:09 pm

Q: I've never played in a non-DH league before. Is there any way to get pitchers to bunt more?


There aren't any "hitter's settings" for pitchers' hitting. However, what you can do is set your team strategy for bunting to "aggressive". Then, if there are batters that you really don't want to bunt, then you could use the "hitters settings" page to click on "don't bunt" for those particular batters.

That way, your team (and therefore hopefully your pitchers also) will bunt more, but the regular batters wouldn't bunt more if they are set for "don't bunt".

I often play a "small ball" team strategy. In my experience, the settings described above usually result in pitchers bunting in most situations where bunting is logical.

You should also note that there ARE individualized bunting ratings for each pitcher. They appear on the pitchers card, near the top right of the card. To the extent that your pitchers are good bunters, they will generally bunt more, and vice versa, I believe.
Last edited by gbrookes on Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: 2012 Sweeps communication thread - Q&A, misc

PostThu Nov 15, 2012 9:07 am

gbrookes wrote:
jagman2882 wrote:is there a limit on RP innings as in past years?? i couldnt find a rule on the signup/rules thread.

thanks in advance!!

No, there isn't a limit or penalty for having a relief pitcher have more than 200 innings.

Buries head in hands... shaking slowly to and fro.

Sobs to arrive by Event 4.. :cry:


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Re: 2012 PC communication thread - Q&A, misc

PostTue Nov 20, 2012 10:10 am

Questiona asked by players in event 2 -

1. "Where can I find the actual pitchers hitting cards?"

Here are the cards:


2. "Is the pitchers' hitting individualized, or is it based on the 8 cards (above)?"

It is based on the 8 cards above, as well as the N or W ratings and the L,R or S hitting stances. These ratings are found on the actual pitchers' cards, to the right of the fielding e rating. The pitchers' hitting ratings are also found on your main team simulated stats page, to the right of the pitchers' wild pitch ratings.

Of course, the N or W power rating affects their ability to get HRs (or alternatively singles for W pitcher hitters) off
the pitching cards, and the L,R or S ratings affect which columns they find their result under on the pitchers card, for 4,5 or 6 die rolls.

3. "Where can I find the actual stats for pitchers' hitting?"

It is on the main "simulated stats" page for your team, on the "Team" drop down menu. On the main stats page, below the section for your batters' hitting stats, there is a sideways triangle and the words "pitchers hitting". Click on the triangle to reveal the individuals stats for your pitchers' hitting.

Mr. Met

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Re: 2012 PC communication thread - Q&A, misc

PostSun Dec 09, 2012 1:19 am

I noticed the standings are counting "filler" team wins. Will this be updated so we can see where we really are?


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Re: 2012 PC communication thread - Q&A, misc

PostSun Dec 09, 2012 7:42 pm

Mr. Met wrote:I noticed the standings are counting "filler" team wins. Will this be updated so we can see where we really are?

Yes, I'm sorry about that. Strat is fixing this as fast as we can, but it's hard to keep up. But I am also publishing my own official compilation from time to time. I'm a little behind on that.

Will work on it this week.


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Re: 2012 PC communication thread - Q&A, misc

PostWed Dec 12, 2012 11:08 am

The tournament is fun. I just wish there was an easier way to follow the results. This is in no way meant to be offensive to the person running the tournament as I think you are doing the best you can with what you have to work with, but considering that this is the official yearly tournament it just doesn't feel very formal. I know that I'm not totally out of qualifying for the last 24 so far but I really can't figure out where I'm at.


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Re: 2012 PC communication thread - Q&A, misc



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Re: 2012 PC communication thread - Q&A, misc

PostThu Dec 13, 2012 9:56 am

Thanks visick.

Mr. Hacktastic, I understand your issue with this. I had meant to update the standings more frequently, in the way that I like to see it published, but I've had a lot of demands on my time in the past month.

Strat has been working from time to time on the standings page that visick provided the link for, but even when you eliminate the filler teams, there is a fairly large difference in games played for many players. That's why I like the format in the way that I publish it.

By the end of the day/night today, I am really hoping to (1) launch event 4, and (2) publish up to date standings. Today should be a good day for me to do that.

Mr. Hacktastic (and others), I would appreciate your feedback on the updated standings page once it comes out later tonight.



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Re: 2012 PC communication thread - Q&A, misc

PostThu Dec 13, 2012 8:29 pm

My event 2 league is missing. Well it's listed with my roster but its showing as choosing players. We were about 115 games in

Can someone help?


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Re: 2012 PC communication thread - Q&A, misc

PostThu Dec 13, 2012 10:19 pm

Did you use the team to join another league?

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