- Posts: 353
- Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:37 am
The Last Druid wrote:Mark,
I would strongly urge that you exercise great caution in interpreting the park data you presented from the Barnstormers Tour. There are several potential problems with this data, not the least of which is small sample size. A serious confounding variable is that your data ignore cap size, which is a huge determinant of park efficacy. It would be prudent, before drawing any inferences, to also examine the ball park data available to the community from Diamond Dope park actuals. The Diamond Dope park data is comprised of all the ATG 6 leagues that were not live draft leagues on the TSN live draft site, up until Gabriel decided to stop collecting this data, perhaps a year and a half or two years ago.
Here are the most frequently used parks from Diamond Dope Actuals across all caps.
Park Uses Win Pct.
1. Minute Maid 437 .526
2. Hilltop 307 .515
3. Forbes ’57 294 .522
4. Fulton County 246 .504
5. Polo ’41 232 .511
6. Petco 201 .500
7. Dunn 194 .525
8. Fenway ’67 166 .499
12. Anaheim Stadium 119 .476
I never play in neutral parks except when required to by the Barnstormers Tour, so I certainly agree with that finding of Mark’s.
However, cap x ballpark interaction effects are very powerful and should be taken into account if one is planning on adjusting pricing based on ball park type.
The most commonly used parks are all extreme parks, for obvious reasons, they tend to confer an advantage except for parks high in both singles and homers (less unique). A maxim I live by, is that all other things being equal, the higher the cap the better bomber teams do and the worse small ball fares. The converse is equally true.
Let’s take a look at win% as a function of cap in several of the above parks. I suspect the general effect is robust across all parks especially for the pure small ball and pure bomber teams. My gut tells me that the lefty righty stuff is more complex…
Minute Maid
60M .507
80M .513
100M .523
140M .536
200M .532
Forbes ‘57
60M .530
80M .531
100M .525
140M .504
200M .495
Fulton County
60M .502 (only 3 uses though)
80M .495 (50 uses)
100M .494
140 .514
200 .513
60M .528
80M .522
100M .522
140M .533
200M .531
Good post.