DRAFT - Post WW2 ATGv7 24 team "pick 2" draft league

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Re: DRAFT - Post WW2 ATGv7 24 team "pick 2" draft league

PostSun Dec 23, 2012 12:12 pm

Frank Howard NEVER played for the Minnesota Twins. So that response doesn't hold water. He can only be a Ranger for this league. That Washington card is incorrect. Just like Ventura on the White Sox and it's his Met season.


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Re: DRAFT - Post WW2 ATGv7 24 team "pick 2" draft league

PostSun Dec 23, 2012 12:13 pm

1. jugslavin.........Cincinnati exp.
2. katzenjammer.......Houston EXP
3. 2cityfan ... St. Louis Cardinals EXP
4. LMBombers......New York Yankees EXP
5. Rube . . . .Brooklyn POST
6. johnlaw1564 ... Oakland EXP
7. Carr20.........Giants EXP
8. andycummings65 - Red Sox exp
9.Roosky...............New York Yankees Post
10. Splinter......Minn EXP
11. misterg...Mont. EXp
12. gfdwarf07... NYG Post
13. BDWard . . . . Chicago Cubs Exp
14. Goreds54.....Cleveland Exp
15. bmilner.......KC Exp
16. AZHawg.......STL Post
17. supersore. . . .Milwaukee Exp
18. ehlekev........LA- EXP
19. rburgh..........NY Mets Exp
20. Piazza31.......Phil Exp
21. visick...........BAL EXP
22. Frank M........Tex EXP
23. toronto50......Sea EXP
24. fraank123......Pit post
25. fraank123......CWS post
26. toronto50.....Det EXP
27. Frank M...... Cin POST
28. visick
29. Piazza31
30. rburgh
31. ehlekev
32. supersore
33. AZHawg
34. bmilner
35. Goreds54
36. BDWard
37. gfdwarf07
38. misterg
39. splinter
40. Roosky
41. Andycummings65
42. Carr20
43. Johnlaw1564
44. Rube
45. LMBombers
46. 2cityfan
47. katzenjammer
48. jugslavin


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Re: DRAFT - Post WW2 ATGv7 24 team "pick 2" draft league

PostSun Dec 23, 2012 12:32 pm

Yes, Frank, I realized my error and corrected my post. But Frank's year as a Ranger was hardly awe-inspiring, and the fact that you have his '67 card and not his '69 card makes no sense whatsoever. In fact, the team groupings here are awfully wacky in many respects. Not the least of which is that the NeL players should be grouped into DB and Pre groupings for the convenience of those of us who enjoy leagues like this.

But since 2City set this up specifically because counting that little WAS splinter group made 48, I don't think you have any argument to claim the good Howard card.


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Re: DRAFT - Post WW2 ATGv7 24 team "pick 2" draft league

PostSun Dec 23, 2012 12:37 pm

I think I might have a good reason. But I will leave it up to 2city to weigh in and whatever he says is cool by me. Thanks for your input.


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Re: DRAFT - Post WW2 ATGv7 24 team "pick 2" draft league

PostSun Dec 23, 2012 12:44 pm

The sensible thing to have done would have been to split the SF Giants and the NY Giants into two franchises (like they did BKN and LA, and PHA/KC), and also split WAS-TEX at 1972, but I have stopped expecting the rulers of this site (be they TSN or SOM) to do anything sensible.

I do wish they would just roll in enough cards from FLA, TB, COL, etc. so that those franchises could field complete teams on this site for franchise league purposes. But wishes here are seldom granted, and if I focused on my unfulfilled ones I would leave.


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Re: DRAFT - Post WW2 ATGv7 24 team "pick 2" draft league

PostSun Dec 23, 2012 3:29 pm

Frank Howard only played a half season as a Texas Ranger and that was 1972. In 1969 he was only a Senator. I don't see what the issue is.


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Re: DRAFT - Post WW2 ATGv7 24 team "pick 2" draft league

PostSun Dec 23, 2012 3:35 pm

The issue is that he was also only a Senator in 1967, but the 1967 card is a part of the TEX Exp subset. The Senators v2.0 moved to Texas in 1972, taking the remains of Hondo with them.


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Re: DRAFT - Post WW2 ATGv7 24 team "pick 2" draft league

PostSun Dec 23, 2012 3:48 pm

That doesn't matter as his highest priced card is as WAS-exp.


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Re: DRAFT - Post WW2 ATGv7 24 team "pick 2" draft league

PostSun Dec 23, 2012 4:34 pm

But there were no Texas Rangers in either 1967 or 1969. Strat has assigned his 1967, but not his 1969, card to the TEX-exp subset. Don't you find that a little bit inconsistent?

Also as I said, there were 7 franchise moves between 1947 and 1972.

Braves from Boston to Milwaukee in 1952.
Athletics moved from Philadelphia to Kansas City in 1955.
Dodgers and Giants moved from NYC to California in 1958.
Senators moved from Washington to Minnesota and became the Twins in 1961 to make room for the Senators v2.0.
Athletics moved from Kansas City to Oakland in 1968.
Seattle Pilots moved to Milwaukee in 1970 and became the Brewers.
Senators v2.0 moved to Texas in 1972 and became the Rangers.

Two of these franchise moves (Dodgers to LA and A's to KC) are treated as separate franchises in our game, the rest are not. I can understand ignoring the Pilots, they only existed for one year. I can understand ignoring the KC to Oakland move, it occurred one year after the arbitrary dividing line between the Post and Exp eras here. I can understand lumping Senators 1.0 with the Twins, It would be way too confusing to lump Senators 1.0 and Senators 2.0 together, since they were different franchises in all but name, and the majority of the Twins in 1961 had been Senators' property in 1960.

I can not understand at all treating the Giants differently than the Dodgers, both should have two franchises in the Post era in my mind. Both moves were in the middle of the arbitrary Post era, and both franchises had good teams on both sides of the move.

And it is incredible to me that there is a WAS-Exp franchise and not a BSB-Post franchise. Both moves occurred 5 years into the arbitrary eras here. Both were long-time sad-sack franchises revitalized by their moves. Both of these should be treated the same way as well; either both should be split or neither should. And to move some v2.0 Senators to the TEX-Exp franchise and not all is just beyond belief. But they did it, and our league wouldn't work if we lumped WAS-Exp and TEX-Exp together.

I don't think there is a lot of thought given in the boardroom of SOM to the various forms of the game played here. I see no reason to not have essentially the two FLA, COL and TB WS rosters on here, maybe with a few players on that roster given cards from other years for the franchise so that their precious individual team sales of those teams wouldn't drop by 0.05%. And the same goes for all of the other expansion teams - find about 20 of the best available hitter and 15 of the best available pitcher cards for those teams in the first five years of the franchise, and add them to the card set. This would provide CAL, NYM and HOU Post teams. and there would/could be some interesting cards there such as rookie cards for Joe Morgan and Jimmy Wynn.


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Re: DRAFT - Post WW2 ATGv7 24 team "pick 2" draft league

PostSun Dec 23, 2012 4:50 pm

Howard is a Senator, not a Ranger in this league. His only year in Texas is 1972 and that card is not represented. Why is this so hard?

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