We are looking for a replacement owner in a 8 team netplay league. We started right after WW2-- the premise being the war made the majors fold and 8 teams started a new league. We keep 15 players each year. We play 2 series a week and about 2.5 seasons a year.
We are a great group with very little drama (off the field, plenty on), great sportsmanship and devoted players who really make the league a joy to run. The league was started with a group from the original Vegas trip and many of the guys are current or former ATG players.
The team that is available is in a bit of a rebuilding phase-- but they do have Berra and Musial. They will likely finish in the bottom 3 and have a shot at Frank Robinson or Drysdale next season.
If you are interested in further info- shoot me your email and I will send the Constitution.
We are also interested in expanding soon, so there could be 3 slots open over time--just 1 now though.,
We use individual seasons. So you need to buy each indivdual season. We are currently using the latest version of the game-- and update occasionally (not every update).
The time commitment is 2 series a week. Some are 3 game series, some 4. It takes roughly 15-20 minutes a game.
I think I only have the 2011 version, and was going to update this year. Not sure how all of that works. I've always wanted to try the Netplay, but it has never really worked out.
If you don't locate someone on the forum, Rob could be a candidate. After Bobby's tournament ended, Rob stopped playing online SOM. He participates in a few net play leagues.
If I wasn't living in Shanghai, I'd raise my hand.
I would be, but not really interesting in paying that kind of money for a version that will be outdated by the end of the month. I will be updating at that time, however.
Do you need the updated version for something else? We do not update every year. This actually could be an issue for us-- and we may end up updating, but we won't be starting the next season til after the end of the month anyway.