Mighty Casey KL

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Michael Grammes

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Re: Mighty Casey Keeper League

PostSun Feb 10, 2013 4:46 pm

using the 2012 card set, FA's are carded, prospects are not correct?

And looking at the rules, I can accumulate an infinite number of prospects, thru draft or trade, year to year, long as they never recieve a card, at which time before the 1st season of a new year, I would hafta decide to promote, or release this newly carded player?


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Re: Mighty Casey Keeper League

PostSun Feb 10, 2013 4:48 pm

Michael Grammes wrote:using the 2012 card set, FA's are carded, prospects are not correct?

And looking at the rules, I can accumulate an infinite number of prospects, thru draft or trade, year to year, long as they never recieve a card, at which time before the 1st season of a new year, I would hafta decide to promote, or release this newly carded player?

You are correct. It is possible to have players however that do not have cards but are also not prospects. A guy like Gardner on Azpanthers roster would be an example.


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Re: Mighty Casey Keeper League

PostSun Feb 10, 2013 4:52 pm

A player with even 1 MLB appearance is draftable as a FA.

There is a full set of rules on page one of this thread.

Michael Grammes

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Re: Mighty Casey Keeper League

PostSun Feb 10, 2013 5:12 pm

I seen the ginormous rules thingy... Will just take me a few looks at it get my head wrapped around it all.

AND!!!... I just ordered my cards and ratings book! Should ship tomorrow, and I am on the boarder of 1 to 2 day shipping... Feel like i m 12 again lol

I remember when I was 12, I had my first official summer job painting low income housing buildings, before I knew what low income housing was lol and with my very first paycheck, I purchased my very first strat board game, way back in the golden age of 1987.

Ahhh, good times.


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Re: Mighty Casey Keeper League

PostSun Feb 10, 2013 6:15 pm

Roscodog wrote:
Michael Grammes wrote:So looking at the team I inherited I have 39 players... which means i hafta drop atleast 9, no more than 14. And I ve been to the draft sign, and see there is a three round draft set up...

How many drafts are there before the season starts?

And Cubit, I do believe you were at the live draft at the TSN office years ago werent ya? Also, I think, you may be able to trade your iphone back to the company for a US version, tho at a significant loss, but, it would be something atleast.

10-15 round FA draft, just the 1st 3 showing on strat draft site.

there is also a 4 round prospect draft

Click on "Draft Views" and then "Full Draft" to see the complete draft.

Michael Grammes

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Re: Mighty Casey Keeper League

PostMon Feb 11, 2013 12:54 pm

wow... looking at the players stats, that I inherited (on MLB.com) I am in for a rough year. Yes, I do need pitching. Looks like I have maybe two viable SPers, and maybe two viable RPers.

One question I do have, and yes, it may be in the rules, which I am still looking at every couple hours, can I take one of my players that musta had a card at one point, and move them back, to my prospect list?


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Re: Mighty Casey Keeper League

PostMon Feb 11, 2013 3:24 pm

Short answer No.

Once someone is promoted from prospect roster they cannot be put back on.


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Re: Mighty Casey Keeper League

PostSat Feb 16, 2013 11:43 am

Just thought I'd get us back on the 1st page.

And once again if you're in the market for a godd def backup at SS with some upside or some SP's for the future let me know.

What I want is picks and a LF/CF backup.

Michael Grammes

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Re: Mighty Casey Keeper League

PostSat Feb 16, 2013 11:52 am

roscodog... I m sure we can work something out, I just need to see my team in card/book numbers first... I have a ton of viable OFers...


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Re: Mighty Casey Keeper League

PostSat Feb 16, 2013 12:02 pm

Michael Grammes wrote:roscodog... I m sure we can work something out, I just need to see my team in card/book numbers first... I have a ton of viable OFers...

yup, I agree. Won't make any moves until I hear from you. Just basically wanted to get our league thread on back on page 1. 8-)

It was starting to get buried. I bumped all the leagues i'm in back to page 1.

...also check your PM's when you get a chance.

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