Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:01 pm
The length of a pitcher injury (based on over or under 200 IP) is the same for DH or non-DH leagues. The only difference is how a pitcher is injured. In a non-DH league he is injured from an injury roll on the pitcher's hitting card when he bats. In a DH league he can become injured when facing the opposing DH and the roll is a 6-12 (all sixes).
In a non-DH league it is impossible to tell the card being used, except possibly for the length of injury if the pitcher has some seasons over and some under 200 IP, because the same pitcher's hitting card is used for all possible cards.
In a DH league you can sometimes get a little help on the injury since the result comes from the pitcher's pitching card. Just determine if the DH bats L or R and then look at all the possible 6-12 results and see if you can eliminate some of the years or not.