Chick's Dig the Longball Draft

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Chick's Dig the Longball Draft

PostTue Feb 19, 2013 5:56 am

Round 1 -

1. Mcharryc
2. bmilner
3. danielz
4. Loopsandrolls
5. ksher58
6. Supersore
7. sshu
8. andycummings
9. emart
10. Morpheus
11. treyomo
12. FrankM

Round 2

1. FrankM
2. treyomo
3. Morpheus
4. emart
5. andycummings
6. sshu
7. Supersore
8. ksher58
9. Loopsandrolls
10. danielz
11. bmilner
12. Mcharryc


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Re: Chick's Dig the Longball Draft

PostTue Feb 19, 2013 11:38 am

Round 1 -

1. Mcharryc - Barry Bonds
2. bmilner
3. danielz
4. Loopsandrolls
5. ksher58
6. Supersore
7. sshu
8. andycummings
9. emart
10. Morpheus
11. treyomo
12. FrankM

Round 2

1. FrankM
2. treyomo
3. Morpheus
4. emart
5. andycummings
6. sshu
7. Supersore
8. ksher58
9. Loopsandrolls
10. danielz
11. bmilner
12. Mcharryc


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Re: Chick's Dig the Longball Draft

PostTue Feb 19, 2013 1:03 pm

1. Mcharryc - Barry Bonds
2. bmilner - Josh Gibson
3. danielz
4. Loopsandrolls
5. ksher58
6. Supersore
7. sshu
8. andycummings
9. emart
10. Morpheus
11. treyomo
12. FrankM

Round 2

1. FrankM
2. treyomo
3. Morpheus
4. emart
5. andycummings
6. sshu
7. Supersore
8. ksher58
9. Loopsandrolls
10. danielz
11. bmilner
12. Mcharryc


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Re: Chick's Dig the Longball Draft

PostTue Feb 19, 2013 5:29 pm



Posts: 36
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Re: Chick's Dig the Longball Draft

Unread postTue Feb 19, 2013 12:03 pm
1. Mcharryc - Barry Bonds
2. bmilner - Josh Gibson
3. danielz - Babe Ruth
4. Loopsandrolls
5. ksher58
6. Supersore
7. sshu
8. andycummings
9. emart
10. Morpheus
11. treyomo
12. FrankM

Round 2

1. FrankM
2. treyomo
3. Morpheus
4. emart
5. andycummings
6. sshu
7. Supersore
8. ksher58
9. Loopsandrolls
10. danielz
11. bmilner
12. Mcharryc


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Re: Chick's Dig the Longball Draft

PostTue Feb 19, 2013 5:52 pm

Re: Chick's Dig the Longball Draft

Unread postTue Feb 19, 2013 12:03 pm
1. Mcharryc - Barry Bonds
2. bmilner - Josh Gibson
3. danielz - Babe Ruth
4. Loopsandrolls - Rogers Hornsby
5. ksher58
6. Supersore
7. sshu
8. andycummings
9. emart
10. Morpheus
11. treyomo
12. FrankM

Round 2

1. FrankM
2. treyomo
3. Morpheus
4. emart
5. andycummings
6. sshu
7. Supersore
8. ksher58
9. Loopsandrolls
10. danielz
11. bmilner
12. Mcharryc


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Re: Chick's Dig the Longball Draft

PostTue Feb 19, 2013 10:38 pm

Re: Chick's Dig the Longball Draft

Unread postTue Feb 19, 2013 12:03 pm
1. Mcharryc - Barry Bonds
2. bmilner - Josh Gibson
3. danielz - Babe Ruth
4. Loopsandrolls - Rogers Hornsby
5. ksher58-Hugh Duffy
6. Supersore
7. sshu
8. andycummings
9. emart
10. Morpheus
11. treyomo


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Re: Chick's Dig the Longball Draft

PostTue Feb 19, 2013 10:59 pm

1. Mcharryc - Barry Bonds
2. bmilner - Josh Gibson
3. danielz - Babe Ruth
4. Loopsandrolls - Rogers Hornsby
5. ksher58 - Hugh Duffy
6. Supersore - Mickey Mantle
7. sshu
8. andycummings
9. emart
10. Morpheus
11. treyomo
12. FrankM

Round 2

1. FrankM
2. treyomo
3. Morpheus
4. emart
5. andycummings
6. sshu
7. Supersore
8. ksher58
9. Loopsandrolls
10. danielz
11. bmilner
12. Mcharryc


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Re: Chick's Dig the Longball Draft

PostWed Feb 20, 2013 12:25 am

1. Mcharryc - Barry Bonds
2. bmilner - Josh Gibson
3. danielz - Babe Ruth
4. Loopsandrolls - Rogers Hornsby
5. ksher58 - Hugh Duffy
6. Supersore - Mickey Mantle
7. sschu - Jimmie Foxx
8. andycummings
9. emart
10. Morpheus
11. treyomo
12. FrankM

Round 2

1. FrankM
2. treyomo
3. Morpheus
4. emart
5. andycummings
6. sschu
7. Supersore
8. ksher58
9. Loopsandrolls
10. danielz
11. bmilner
12. Mcharryc


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Re: Chick's Dig the Longball Draft

PostWed Feb 20, 2013 11:08 am

1. Mcharryc - Barry Bonds
2. bmilner - Josh Gibson
3. danielz - Babe Ruth
4. Loopsandrolls - Rogers Hornsby
5. ksher58 - Hugh Duffy
6. Supersore - Mickey Mantle
7. sschu - Jimmie Foxx
8. andycummings - Arky Vaughan
9. emart
10. Morpheus
11. treyomo
12. FrankM

Round 2

1. FrankM
2. treyomo
3. Morpheus
4. emart
5. andycummings
6. sschu
7. Supersore
8. ksher58
9. Loopsandrolls
10. danielz
11. bmilner
12. Mcharryc


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Re: Chick's Dig the Longball Draft

PostWed Feb 20, 2013 11:31 am

1. Mcharryc - Barry Bonds
2. bmilner - Josh Gibson
3. danielz - Babe Ruth
4. Loopsandrolls - Rogers Hornsby
5. ksher58 - Hugh Duffy
6. Supersore - Mickey Mantle
7. sschu - Jimmie Foxx
8. andycummings - Arky Vaughan
9. emart - Lou Gehrig
10. Morpheus
11. treyomo
12. FrankM

Round 2

1. FrankM
2. treyomo
3. Morpheus
4. emart
5. andycummings
6. sschu
7. Supersore
8. ksher58
9. Loopsandrolls
10. danielz
11. bmilner
12. Mcharryc

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