Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:06 am
I'm in, but I want to summarize where I THINK we are at this moment.
sdajr76 is the new commish
We are planning to go forward with the picks already made and find replacement manager(s) for those who have left.
The rounds will be modified -
scrap the 13th round
keep the stadium draft round
rd1 RF, rd2 CF, rd 3 2b, rd 4 ss, rd 5 lf, rd 6 any SP, rd 7 C, rd 8 RP only, rd 9 3b, rd 10 any P, rd 11 1b, rd 12 any H
we will assume hackra (me) and rmilter traded picks of Maddux and Murray (to keep rounds consistent)
rmilter MAY pick a SP in rd 8 if he chooses (comishioner's ruling)
we will go round by round completing the remaining picks and rounds in order to avoid confusion
The following managers are clearly still in -
sschu, sdajr76, mrharryc, bontomn, rmilter, hackra
The following managers need to confirm if they are in -
carr20, Michael Grammes, jet40, bigmahon, teamsters805
We either need to find a replacement for Frank Bailey or talk him into returning
A replacement would be allowed to keep Honus OR repick (what happens if he wants Arod or Yount I am not sure)
do I have that all correct Steve?