My perfect Example Posey is 9.79 mil, Miggy is 10.08, a difference of .29 mil.
Can anyone really say that those cards are close to equal?
Even counting defense, I'm sure 100/100 guys would take Miggy every day of the week.
How can anyone look at that and say it is right? Yes yes Posey has 100 TB (unheard of) vs LHP. Wow he will face (injury risk) what 100 ab's? 150 if you're lucky?
the more I've been looking over it, you're right Vis, it has a 2001 feel to it, where certain guys are just so ridiculous they are practically untouchable. And there are clear bargains that you will have to go for. It's kind of nostalgic in a way, heralding back to the early days