Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:19 pm
Ill set up another draft suggestion for league theme name would be seth mcfarlane/oscars for team names.
it's 100m, DH, 5/10/20 drop 24 rounds including unique stadium, then autodraft the last two. if it gets too tedious, we can certainly shorten to ten or twelve rounds, but ideally we agree to that ahead of time.
Im typically on the boards throughout the day, especially during the week, and weekend evenings, and live on the west coast, so deep into the night. draft would be 10am to 11pm eastern time, with a 3-hour window, no clock on the first round until everyone has checked in. I have many of your emails and or facebook or text and phone contacts, if not, please shoot me a pm and I or one of the others can alert you when your turn is up or coming.