Thu Mar 07, 2013 12:10 am
Posts: 15
Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:09 am
Jug Slavin chooses DetroitReport this postReply with quote
Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:04 pm
1. ehlekev - Cincinnati
2. BigAMcInroy Pittsburgh
4. Jugslavin---Orioles
5. Heekin65-Dodgers
6. Jayhawk81- Boston Red Sox
7. Frank M - Houston Astros
8. LMBombers - St. Louis Cardinals
9.Free4allfree2001 Phillies
10. Fench33 - Oakland
11. Supersore - Minnesota Twins
12. The Conndor - Atlanta
13. The Conndor - Chicago Cubs
14. Supersore - NY Mets
15. Fench33 KC
16.Free4allfree2001 Cleveland Indians
17. LMBombers - California Angels
18. Frank M - Milwaukee Brewers
19. Jayhawk81- SF Giants
20. Heekin65-Rangers, etc.
21. Jugslavin---Detroit Tigers
23. BigAMcInroy
24. ehlekev