Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:57 am
As promised, I've sent the post droprosters and players available list. PLEASE check them over carefully, every tab, to see if I've made errors. The alpha roster is likely to be the most accurate, but hopefully I haven't missed anything. Took me a bit longer than I had hoped, but it couldn't be helped.
Some notes on the available's list:
Every player that is listed is draftable ( assuming I haven't made a mistake), but they don't all have cards.
If there is an X in the location column, there will not be a card in the online game, these are computer only players.
If there is a U in the location column, this player has a card in the Unleashed set and is not usable in our league.
If there is an M in the column, you can delete that whole column. Some players have 3 cards if they played for 2 different teams in separate leagues. The M cards are the individual cards for each team. These are listed for replay players only. I should have deleted them all but I case I missed a few and you didn't know what they are, now you know what they are.
I haved created the draft thread, bigmahon can begin at any time. There will be no clock for round 1, or today at all if we should finish round 1. No clock over the weekend. We'll see where we are next week to determine when we'll turn it on, hopefully on Monday.
Rosters are now unfrozen.
If there are any questions, PLEASE let me know.