After Oak hitting, it was pretty much a toss up between 3 other squads. Could make a case for any of the 3, but I'll go with the WS champs. Maybe their winning ways will transfer to me. 1) keyzick - LA Angels Hitting (probably only time I'll get Trout on my time this year!)
2) nymets99 - Texas Hitting
3) ehlekev - St Louis Hitting
4) Piazza31 - Detroit Hitting (Can't pass up the triple crowner)
5) geekor - Atlanta Pitching (wanted Det Hit, but after that, can't pass up and entire pitching staff in one pick).
6) Delbird - Washington Hitting
7) chasenally - Oakland Hitting
8) Modmark - SF Giants Hitting
9) oldmansmith2 -
10) paul_long71 -
11) AeroDave10 -
12) Frank M -