yeah- I dont usually want to go with the obvious, but I am pretty cramped for money anyway (Seaver, Morgan, Cedeno might not have been the best plan after all).
Thanks all for keeping this going in my tech absence. Clever solution yellow Dog, that is a workable solution. Jayhawk if you have the excel, you need to 'filter' on first year to be either 75 or 76. Then 'hide' the columns you don't need then just cover (mouse button held down and scroll over all the details you want as they light up). then all you should have to do while in excel is 'copy' (hold ' control' down and the 'c' button) and then just do a normal post as usual and press 'paste' (or 'control' and 'v') and all the details should appear in the post. If not yellow dogs solution works and I'll try and write in the eligible 75's soon. Let's keep this technologically challenged draft moving!
Jayhawk, I tried to send a pm, but it just hangs in my outbox. Anyway, I've got a #1 and 2 #3 picks that I'd trade for your #1. Or take a look at my roster - Olds Omega to see if there is anyone you want.