Fri May 24, 2013 11:20 pm
Manager.................................................Dates ok
1) deepdrive-------------------------Next Four Fridays
2) Horntsnest ---------------------- Unknown Availability
3) Frank Bailey ---------------------- No 24th, May 31st OK
4) N. Texas Widowmakers -------- Any Time
5) andycummings65 ----------------Unknown Availability
6) PJK --------------------------------Unknown Availability
7) Joeoc ---------------------------- Most Fridays are good, week to week.
8) Coffeeholic ---------------------- No 24th, then Unknown Availability
9) Muadib1950------------------Any Time ... Fridays Best, upcoming ones OK
10) Simon31-------------------------Any except June 7th (Wife's Birthday)
11) Crapgame-------------------------Next Four Fridays
12) PJMB ----------------------------- No 24th, then Unknown Availability
Turn the Reds into Greens so we can get this show on the road.