GARYCOOK wrote:Are there ballpark restrictions like last year ?
My plan is, "yes", there will be ballpark restrictions.
I was actually thinking about the idea of making the restrictions more interesting and detailed, or just going with the basic "no repeats" rule.
What do you think about the whole idea? Are you saying that you'd prefer not to have any limitation (I don't think I would go for that, but you can make your case for me!) or are you saying you prefer something different? Please let me know, and I welcome comments on how to improve the tournament. It isn't too late to make a few changes for the 2013 tournament.
I am also considering implementing a limit on innings pitcher for relievers, based on some comments from last year. This is perhaps more difficult to monitor, and I'm a little bit reluctant to go too hard on this. If we had a limit on IP for relief pitchers, I think it would need to be a generous limit. I think the rule in the past was less than 200 IP for a relief pitcher. I think this might be a good idea, although I don't think anyone went over 200 IP last year anyway - to the best of my knowledge. What do people think about that?