Thu May 30, 2013 11:21 pm
I am sorry as work today was really busy. I was keeping track of W/C and another one I am in. I didn't even know that this league had started. Wasn't going to join it as my credits are few. I hope they have a Fathers Day sale or the wife to be won't be happy. I joined 3 keeper leagues that play 2 per card set. I play no more than 10 games a year. I know a sob story here but I have been so busy Coaching Baseball and trying to get our house ready for a wedding in Aug that I have bitten off way more than I can chew.
I will be better prepared from now on. I am sorry but you will find that I will be picking my players faster as I will do my homework and be ready.
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!