Thought I posted this in league mail but I'll copy it here too:
My apologies in advance for delaying season 2.
I have been unbelievably busy since the start of the season. My part time job has almost become full time with the hours I'm working and both my daughters play house league softball, one of which I coach. the oldest daughter also made the JV softball team as a freshman at her high school so I've been living at the ball field when I'm not working. I simply haven't had time to even add the end of the draft to the current rosters, that's how far behind I am.
I don't see it getting better for about a month quite honestly. If you can bear with me that long, maybe I'll surprise you and get caught up earlier, I'd rather under promise and over deliver. Right now though I wouldn't count on things getting up to speed until after the 4th of july.