- Posts: 456
- Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:00 am
Pitchers - A, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z
Hitters - A, B, D, F, I, J, L, M, N, O, Q, R, W, Y
Retired from season 26 were B and J pitchers who were not named Keepers.
Retired from season 27 were C and U hitters who are not made Keepers
Retiring from season 28 will be H, E, and Z hitters who are not made Keepers
Draft order -
1) timorz (61-101 regular season)
2) 13Baseballs (74-88)
3) Bunze0 (77-85)
4) Honeyman (78-84)
5) hackra (79-83)
6) Munich_Man (83-79)
7) Palanion (84-78)
8) tomwistar (86-76)
9) Mr. Baseball World (wildcard 87-75)
10) Joeoc (eastern division winner 88-74)
11) thaibill (runner up)
12)madmike66 (the Champion of season 28)
keepers so far-
madmike66 - Mantle, Boggs, Hernandez, Beck, Lanier, Ehmke, Schultz, Wilhelm, P.Waner, C Ogden, B.J.Rogan, D.Larsen, Mazeroski,
thaibill - Ruth, Musial, Marichal, J. Morgan, Veale, Abernathy, Brazle, T.Fernandez, J. Wilson, Daulton, Murcer, B.Shirley, L. Sherry
JoeOC --- M.Prior, G.Beaumont, H. Duffy, B.Sheets, T.F.Brown, C.Jones, J.Cronin, N.Fox, M.May, J. Kaat, R.Perranoski, J.Alou, L.Ayala,
Mr. Baseball World--G.Maddux, P.Alexander, J.Wood, R. Henderson , G Hartnett, E Collins, C ripken, Walsh, R. Mondesi, H.Pina, E.Aybar, M.McGwire, M.Alou,
tomwistar -- Medwick, Brown, Hornsby, Forbes 57 (17,17,1,1), Frisch, Koufax, Sutcliffe, Myers, Wells, Brouthers, Hunter, Mungo,
Palanion - E. Delahanty, J. DiMaggio, Hershiser, Joe Jackson, Tannehill, Beggs, J. Robinson, B. Gibson, F. Baker, Klink, M. O'Neil, E.Wynn, K. Forsch
Munich Man - Bresnahan, Wagner, Cobb, Miljus, Biggio, Slim Jones, Shantz, S.Paige, Staley, Ward, P.Molitor, J.Perry,
hackra - Barry Bonds, O. Charleston, M. Ott, Tom Hall, Babe Adams, E. Broglio, McBean, Bob McClure, L. Boudreau, J Pfiester
Honeyman - Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Freddie Lindstrom, Fenway Park 71 (13,19,9,17), Ernie Banks, Sowders, Selma, Newhouser, Belle, M. Rivera, D Mattingly, N.Ryan, Muddy Ruel
Bunze0- Pedro Martinez, L Appling,F Fain. N Lajoie,Z Wheat, E Farmer, B Sutter, C O'Leary, McGee, J.R. Richard, P. Rose,S Mcdowell, Henke
13baseballs - Hamilton, Myer, Murray, W. Johnson, H Heilmann, G Brett, Hands, Mathewson, Mauer, Dykes, Weintraub, Mize,
timorz------Williams, Foxx, Wilson, E.Mathews, J.Allen, B.Tincup, J.Page, W. Randolph, L. Bowa, Bench, Killian, C.Lundgren, D.Radatz,
Keepers by Position (alphabetical order):
c - Bench,Bresnahan, Daulton, Hartnett, Mauer, M.May, M. O'Neil, Ruel
1b - Brouthers, Foxx, McGwire, Mize, Musial, Hernandez,Fain, Mattingly
2b - Biggio,Collins, N.Fox, Hornsby, Lajoie, Mazeroski, McAuliffe, Myer, J. Morgan, W. Randolph, J. Robinson
3b - Baker, C.Beck, Boggs, Brett, Lindstrom, Frisch, C.Jones, E.Mathews, P.Molitar, P. Rose, J. Wilson
ss - Appling, E.Aybar, L. Bowa Cronin, Banks, Boudreau, Dykes, T. Fernandez, O'Leary,Ripken, Wagner, Ward, Wells
of - Aaron, J.Alou, M.Alou, G.Beaumont, Belle, Barry Bonds, W. Brown, Charleston, Cobb, Delahanty, H.Duffy, J. DiMaggio, Hamilton, H. Heilmann, R. Henderson, Joe Jackson, Leibold, Lofton, Mantle, Mays, McGee, Medwick, R. Mondesi, Murcer, Ott, B.J.Rogan, Ruth, P.Waner, Weintraub, Z Wheat , T. Williams, H. Wilson
sp - Adams, J.Allen, Alexander, Broglio,TF Brown, H.Ehmke, E Farmer, B. Gibson, Hall, Hands, Hershiser, Hunter, W. Johnson, S. Jones, Kaat, Killian, Klippstein, Koufax, M.Lanier, D.Larsen, C. Lundgren, P. Martinez, Maddux, Marichal, Mathewson, S.Mcdowell, V.Mungo, Newhouser,C Ogdon, S.Paige, J.Perry, J. Pfiester, M. Prior, J.R. Richard, N. Ryan, Shantz, Sheets, Sowders, Sutcliffe, Tannehill, Veale, Walsh, Wood, E.Wynn,
rp - Abernathy, Ayala, Beggs, Brazle, K. Forsch, Henke, W. Hernandez, Klink, Mc Bean, McClure, Miljus, Murray, Myers, Page, R.Perranoski, H.Pina, D.Radatz, M. Rivera Schultz, Selma, Sherry, Shirley, Staley, Sutter, Tincup, Wilhelm,
Honeyman, tomwistar and 13baseballs have named new stadiums. (they each skip their 6th round draft pick)
only 1 trade per manager involving keepers is allowed per preseason - (Bunze0 and Honeyman have used the allotment on their Mays and Martinez deal)
Draft Round 1 -
1) zrot - Willie Randolph 2B
2) 13Baseballs - Christy Mathewson, SP
3) Bunze0 - Willie McGee, OF (via proxy)
4) Honeyman - Albert Belle, OF
5) hackra - Lou Boudreau, ss
6) Munich_Man - Lofton, CF
7) Palanion - Bob Gibson, sp
8) tomwistar - Wells, SS
9) Mr. Baseball World- Ed Walsh, SP
10) Joeoc - N.Fox, 2B====Repick
11) thaibill - T. Fernandez, ss
12) madmike66 - H. Wilhelm, RP
Round Two
1) zrot -L Bowa SS
2) 13Baseballs - Mauer, C
3) Bunze0 - J. R. Richard, SP
4) Honeyman - Mariano Rivera, RP
5) hackra - Jack Pfiester, SP
6) Munich_Man - S.Paige, SP
7) Palanion - F. Baker, 3b
8) tomwistar - Brouthers, Ib
9) Mr. Baseball World- R. Mondesi, RF
10) Joeoc - M.May, C
11) thaibill - Jud Wilson - 3b
12) madmike66 - P. Waner, RF
Draft Round 3 -
1) zrot -Bench C
2) 13Baseballs - Dykes, SS
3) Bunze0 -Fain 1b
4) Honeyman -D Mattingly 1b (proxy)
5) hackra - A. McBean, RP (proxy)
6) Munich_Man - Staley, RP
7) Palanion - Klink, rp
8) tomwistar - Leibold, RF
9) Mr. Baseball World- H.Pina, RP
10) Joeoc - J.Kaat, SP
11) thaibill - Daulton, C
12) madmike66 -C Ogden sp
Draft Order Round 4
1) timorz - Ed Killian, SP
2) 13Baseballs - P.Weintraub, LF
3) Bunze0 - Pete Rose, 3B
4) Honeyman - Nolan Ryan, SP
5) hackra - J.Klippstein, SP
6) Munich_Man - J.Ward, 2B/SS
7) Palanion - M. O'Neil, C (proxy)
8) tomwistar - Hunter, SP
9) Mr. Baseball World- E.Aybar, SS
10) Joeoc - R.Perranoski, RP
11) thaibill - B. Murcer, cf
12)madmike66 - B.J. Rogan, OF
Draft Order Round 5
1) timorz - Carl Lundgren SP (Proxy)
2) 13Baseballs - Mize, 1b
3) Bunze0 - S Mcdowell sp
4) Honeyman - Muddy Ruel, C
5) hackra - Dick McAuliffe, 2b
6) Munich_Man - P.Molitar, 3B
7) Palanion - E.Wynn, SP (proxy)
8) tomwistar - V.Mungo, SP
9) Mr. Baseball World- M.McGwire, 1B
10) Joeoc - J.Alou,OF
11) thaibill - B.Shirley, RP (proxy)
12)madmike66 - D.Larsen,SP
Draft Round 6
1) zrot - D.Radatz, RP (proxy)
2) 13Baseballs ------------- No Pick
3) Bunze0 - Tom Henke, RP
4) Honeyman -------------- No Pick
5) hackra - Willie Hernandez, RP
6) Munich_Man - J.Perry, SP
7) Palanion - K. Forsch, rp
8) tomwistar--------------- No Pick
9) Mr. Baseball World- M.Alou, OF
10) Joeoc - L.Ayala, RP
11) thaibill - L. Sherry, rp
12) madmike66 - B.Mazeroski, 2B
Draft Complete
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