Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:10 am
I know in the board or CD-rom game you can move a 2 RF to CF & rate him at 3, I also know the online game doesn't allow this.
My question is about this scenario---you have a 4LF, 2CF, and 2RF for your three starters--on the bench you have another 4LF and a 3RF, but no backup CF (no one on team is rated at CF but the Starter)--
If the CF gets hurt will hal put in the backup 3RF at CF and rate him at 4??? ,---or maybe move the starting rf to cf, and rate him at 3 with the 3RF sub in at RF--- and if the 4LF is a much better offensive player is it likely hal will put him in at CF at 5---of will the online game put in a 5 CF regardless???
I haven't run into this yet, but curious.