- Posts: 4026
- Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:56 pm
Going to do a majority vote on whether or not to keep the prospect draft since it takes away from the amount of players in an already limited amount of players for the FA draft.
Voting will be 1 of 4 options which is why we're doing a majority, not an 8 or more. I will only be voting if needed. This vote will be open until 10pm EST Saturday August 24. I want to get this resolved prior to the season beginning so there are no trades involving prospect picks for next year.
Option 1 - Keep the same - 5 rounds
Option 2 - Keep prospect draft, but reduce to 2 rounds
Option 3 - Keep prospect draft, but reduce to 3 rounds
Option 4 - Eliminate prospect draft
coachteel924 -
gbrookes -
fredpaii - Option 2 (via email)
timklucinec -
Terry101 -
Michael Grammes -
CATom -
calbatross - Option 2 (via email)
chasenally -
ghost of roger maris -option 2
I will also be sending this to everyone's emails so you can reply that way if you'd like and I'll post for you. If you decide not to vote within the 11 days, your vote will be counted as Option 4, eliminating prospect draft.