Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:27 am
Named a series of teams after my youngest son, Johnny, who came along well after we thought our family complete with a son and daughter. First son very talented musically, but no interest in sports. Daughter had some passing interest in sports, maybe to pacify me?
But Johnny and I had a very early connection with sports, especially baseball. He knew stats I maybe had long forgotten, we played baseball board games, (though was not acquainted with Strat at the time), then onto video baseball, and my living vicariously through him through T-ball, little league and finally into his teen years.
I had an early interest, maybe obsession with baseball, but lost it over the years due to life, work, children's medical issues. Figure God, in his infinite wisdom, and sense of humor, felt giving us Johnny was something I needed as a spirit boost as the years went on, and I will be infinitely grateful for that and for Johnny.