Let's draft 'em all -- all 940 played!

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Re: Let's draft 'em all -- 12 DRAFTS!

PostWed Oct 30, 2013 12:32 pm

I've been gathering data on the salary cap question. First of all, here are the average player and team salaries at each of the levels:

12 teams x 14 position players each = 168 in Majors

Total salaries of top 168 = $900.78 mil
Average salary = $5.36 mil
14-player total = $75.07 mil

12 teams x 14 position players each = 168 in Minors

Total salaries of middle 168 = $309.96 mil
Average salary = $1.85 mil
14-player total = $25.83 mil

Total 524 - 168 - 168 = 188 in Instructional

Total salaries of bottom 188 = $119.37 mil
Average salary = $0.71 mil
Avg 15.67-player total = $11.13 mil


12 teams x 11 pitchers each = 132 in Majors

Total salaries of top 132 = $536.49 mil
Average salary = $4.06 mil
11-pitcher total = $44.71 mil

12 teams x 11 pitchers each = 132 in Minors

Total salaries of middle 132 = $184.88 mil
Average salary = $1.40 mil
11-pitcher total = $15.41 mil

Total 416 - 132 - 132 = 152 in Instructional

Total salaries of bottom 152 = $80.85 mil
Average salary = $0.61 mil
Avg 12.67-pitcher total = $7.76 mil


An average team of 25 in Majors = $119.78 mil

An average team of 25 in Minors = $41.24 mil

An average team of 28.33* in Minors = $18.89 mil

* Yes, there are 4 extra players who will have to go the Minors


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Re: Let's draft 'em all -- 12 DRAFTS!

PostWed Oct 30, 2013 12:48 pm

I think it's going to be hard to keep track of how many higher-value players are on a lower-value team -- or of how many games somebody spends at this level or that.

Instead, I propose we let the game engine mange that for us, with realistic salary caps for each of the leagues.

Let's use the salary data above plus some slack for injury call-ups plus some slack for September call-ups. For example, if a team has 12 injury call-ups in the Majors at an average of $2.5 mil each (being dropped from the Minors team), that's a total of $30 mil in transactions. At a 10% penalty, that's a cost of $3 mil to the Minors team.

If the Minors team has a $50 mil cap, that would be:
$41.24 average team salaries
+ 3.00 penalty
+ 5.76 for September call-ups

Likewise, if the lowest-level team has to cover 12 injury call-ups to the Minors at an average of $2.0 mil each (being dropped from the Instructional team), that's a total of $24 mil in transactions. At a 10% penalty, that's a cost of $2.40 mil to the Instructional team.

If the Instructional team has a $25 mil cap, that would be:
$18.89 average team salaries
+ 2.40 penalty
+ 3.71 extra

Looks to me like caps of $50 mil and $25 mil would solve all of the issues raised so far.

What do you think?


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Re: Let's draft 'em all -- 12 DRAFTS!

PostWed Oct 30, 2013 3:51 pm

I don't remember, is there such choice of caps in the game ?

If so, I like it.


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Re: Let's draft 'em all -- 12 DRAFTS!

PostWed Oct 30, 2013 4:31 pm

jflatour99 wrote:I don't remember, is there such choice of caps in the game ?

If so, I like it.

I believe we can have any cap we'd like.

Looking at the current list of leagues forming, for example, there are salary caps shown at:


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Re: Let's draft 'em all -- 12 DRAFTS!

PostWed Oct 30, 2013 4:32 pm

Also, I asked the SOM help desk this morning if there were any team salary minimums. They replied:

No there are no minimum salary caps. You should be able to draft lower salaried teams without a problem. Great theme idea!


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Re: Let's draft 'em all -- 12 DRAFTS!

PostThu Oct 31, 2013 12:30 am

We've had our first minor draft glitch -- after hundreds of picks, which is pretty good -- so we need to have the following managers confirm or make new picks in RF, starting at pick #41:



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Re: Let's draft 'em all -- 12 DRAFTS! -- Go to RF draft

PostThu Oct 31, 2013 10:56 am

There will only be 8 worst-case pitchers remaining, after the long SP and RP drafts are completed, so the wildcard draft will begin as soon as all of the position player drafts are done. There will be no draft clock in the wildcard draft until after pick #24, to make sure all of us know it has started.


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Re: Let's draft 'em all -- 12 DRAFTS! -- Go to RF draft

PostThu Oct 31, 2013 5:28 pm

The champ is up in RF


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Re: Let's draft 'em all -- 12 DRAFTS! -- Go to RF draft

PostThu Oct 31, 2013 7:27 pm

tcochran wrote:There will only be 8 worst-case pitchers remaining, after the long SP and RP drafts are completed, so the wildcard draft will begin as soon as all of the position player drafts are done. There will be no draft clock in the wildcard draft until after pick #24, to make sure all of us know it has started.

The roster of picks for the wildcard draft will be posted as soon as the final 5 picks of the position player drafts are completed:


RF (no clock after issue was sorted)


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Re: Let's draft 'em all -- 12 DRAFTS! -- Wildcard draft

PostThu Oct 31, 2013 11:43 pm

Wildcard draft picks have been posted -- including one extra $0.50 catcher, since the final pick in the 8 position player drafts has not been made yet. I will remove the extra catcher, when known.

There will be no draft clock in the wildcard draft until after pick #24, to make sure all of us know it has started.

NOTE: If you do not care about selecting specific spare parts, then just put "Auto" next to your name and every one of your picks after that will be automatically chosen for you, without the rest of us having to wait 2 hours

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