The Secret Formula was started as a result of that Dream Team post back around 2003. It was a snowy day during Christmas vacation. Guys were posting their perfect teams. If you could have any player you wanted, what would your roster look like?
Luckyman posted his perfect team and the next day I went out and drafted it. I got like 23 of 24 of his guys, something most of us thought would be impossible. Here's the team here: '03 team was complete without Doug Glanville or Tim Spooneybarger!
Lucky was so mad when I went down in the Finals.
He thought it was a team that simply could not be beat. Oh, for the wooly days of scoring 1100 runs!
Anyway, those great conversations about what constituted the perfect team led me to take a shot at trying to crack the code the next season.
Here's the first Secret Formula team ('04 season): net runs. Team started
50-14. Crazy stuff. Hard to believe that was ten years ago already.